Fictitious domain/mixed finite element approach for a class of optimal shape design problems
About two years ago, Gobbino [21] gave a proof of a De Giorgi's conjecture on the approximation of the Mumford-Shah energy by means of finite-differences based non-local functionals. In this work, we introduce a discretized version of De Giorgi's approximation, that may be seen as a generalization of Blake and Zisserman's “weak membrane” energy (first introduced in the image segmentation framework). A simple adaptation of Gobbino's results allows us to compute the Γ-limit of this discrete functional...
In matricial analysis, the theorem of Eckart and Young provides a best approximation of an arbitrary matrix by a matrix of rank at most r. In variational analysis or optimization, the Moreau envelopes are appropriate ways of approximating or regularizing the rank function. We prove here that we can go forwards and backwards between the two procedures, thereby showing that they carry essentially the same information.