An analysis of the B.P.M. approximation of the Helmholtz equation in an optical fiber
Alain Bamberger, François Coron, Jean-Michel Ghidaglia (1987)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
Matthew Dobson, Mitchell Luskin (2009)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
The atomistic to continuum interface for quasicontinuum energies exhibits nonzero forces under uniform strain that have been called ghost forces. In this paper, we prove for a linearization of a one-dimensional quasicontinuum energy around a uniform strain that the effect of the ghost forces on the displacement nearly cancels and has a small effect on the error away from the interface. We give optimal order error estimates that show that the quasicontinuum displacement converges to the atomistic...
J. J. H. Miller, Song Wang (1994)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
Chleboun, Jan (2008)
Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics
R. Reemtsen, C.J. Lozano (1982)
Numerische Mathematik
Laurent Monasse, Christian Mariotti (2012)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
We develop a Discrete Element Method (DEM) for elastodynamics using polyhedral elements. We show that for a given choice of forces and torques, we recover the equations of linear elastodynamics in small deformations. Furthermore, the torques and forces derive from a potential energy, and thus the global equation is an Hamiltonian dynamics. The use of an explicit symplectic time integration scheme allows us to recover conservation of energy, and thus stability over long time simulations. These theoretical...
Laurent Monasse, Christian Mariotti (2012)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
We develop a Discrete Element Method (DEM) for elastodynamics using polyhedral elements. We show that for a given choice of forces and torques, we recover the equations of linear elastodynamics in small deformations. Furthermore, the torques and forces derive from a potential energy, and thus the global equation is an Hamiltonian dynamics. The use of an explicit symplectic time integration scheme allows us to recover conservation of energy, and thus stability over long time simulations. These theoretical...
Pani, A.K., Das, P.C. (1987)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
M. Fortin, Z. Mghazli (1992)
Numerische Mathematik
M. Fortin, Z. Mghazli (1992)
Numerische Mathematik
Matthew Dobson, Mitchell Luskin (2008)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
We analyze a force-based quasicontinuum approximation to a one-dimensional system of atoms that interact by a classical atomistic potential. This force-based quasicontinuum approximation can be derived as the modification of an energy-based quasicontinuum approximation by the addition of nonconservative forces to correct nonphysical “ghost” forces that occur in the atomistic to continuum interface during constant strain. The algorithmic simplicity and consistency with the purely atomistic model at...
Hozman, Jiří, Dolejší, Vít (2008)
Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics
We deal with a scalar nonstationary convection-diffusion equation with nonlinear convective as well as diffusive terms which represents a model problem for the solution of the system of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations describing a motion of viscous compressible fluids. We present a discretization of this model equation by the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method. Moreover, under some assumptions on the nonlinear terms, domain partitions and the regularity of the exact solution,...
Igor V. Beloussov (2015)
Special Matrices
The algebraic formulation of Wick’s theorem that allows one to present the vacuum or thermal averages of the chronological product of an arbitrary number of field operators as a determinant (permanent) of the matrix is proposed. Each element of the matrix is the average of the chronological product of only two operators. This formulation is extremely convenient for practical calculations in quantum field theory, statistical physics, and quantum chemistry by the standard packages of the well known...
A. V. Wolkov, Ch. Hirsch, N. B. Petrovskaya (2011)
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
We discuss the issues of implementation of a higher order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme for aerodynamics computations. In recent years a DG method has intensively been studied at Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) where a computational code has been designed for numerical solution of the 3-D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. Our discussion is mainly based on the results of the DG study conducted in TsAGI in collaboration with the NUMECA...
Martine Marion (1989)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
Ludwig Wagatha (1983)
Numerische Mathematik
D. Fage (1982)
Numerische Mathematik
Olivier Coulaud (1998)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
M. Ghoreyshi, K. J. Badcock, A. Da Ronch, D. Vallespin, A. Rizzi (2011)
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
Physics based simulation is widely seen as a way of increasing the information about aircraft designs earlier in their definition, thus helping with the avoidance of unanticipated problems as the design is refined. This paper reports on an effort to assess the automated use of computational fluid dynamics level aerodynamics for the development of tables for flight dynamics analysis at the conceptual stage. These tables are then used to calculate...
M. Flucher, M. Rumpf (1997)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik