Displaying 481 – 500 of 518

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Opérations sur les mots de Christoffel

Éric Laurier (1999)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

On peut définir la pente d'un mot écrit avec des 0 et des 1 comme le nombre de 1 divisé par le nombre de 0, et généraliser cette définition aux mots de longueur infinie. Considérant le lien entre les mots de Christoffel et les fractions continues, on se propose d'étudier le comportement de tels mots lorsqu'on additionne leurs pentes, ou qu'on les multiplie par un entier positif. Après un bref exposé des différentes notions liées aux mots de Christoffel, l'étude de la somme et de la multiplication...

Optimal Allocation of Renewable Energy Parks: A Two–stage Optimization Model

Carmen Gervet, Mohammad Atef (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

Applied research into Renewable Energies raises complex challenges of a technological, economical or political nature. In this paper, we address the techno−economical optimization problem of selecting locations of wind and solar Parks to be built in Egypt, such that the electricity demand is satisfied at minimal costs. Ultimately, our goal is to build a decision support tool that will provide private and governmental investors into renewable energy systems, valuable insights to make informed short...

Optimal edge ranking of complete bipartite graphs in polynomial time

Ruo-Wei Hung (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An edge ranking of a graph is a labeling of edges using positive integers such that all paths connecting two edges with the same label visit an intermediate edge with a higher label. An edge ranking of a graph is optimal if the number of labels used is minimum among all edge rankings. As the problem of finding optimal edge rankings for general graphs is NP-hard [12], it is interesting to concentrate on special classes of graphs and find optimal edge rankings for them efficiently. Apart from trees...

Optimal estimators in learning theory

V. N. Temlyakov (2006)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is a survey of recent results on some problems of supervised learning in the setting formulated by Cucker and Smale. Supervised learning, or learning-from-examples, refers to a process that builds on the base of available data of inputs x i and outputs y i , i = 1,...,m, a function that best represents the relation between the inputs x ∈ X and the corresponding outputs y ∈ Y. The goal is to find an estimator f z on the base of given data z : = ( ( x , y ) , . . . , ( x m , y m ) ) that approximates well the regression function f ρ of...

Optimal Locating-Total Dominating Sets in Strips of Height 3

Ville Junnila (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A set C of vertices in a graph G = (V,E) is total dominating in G if all vertices of V are adjacent to a vertex of C. Furthermore, if a total dominating set C in G has the additional property that for any distinct vertices u, v ∈ V C the subsets formed by the vertices of C respectively adjacent to u and v are different, then we say that C is a locating-total dominating set in G. Previously, locating-total dominating sets in strips have been studied by Henning and Jafari Rad (2012). In particular,...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 518