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Optimization of the maximum likelihood estimator for determining the intrinsic dimensionality of high-dimensional data

Rasa Karbauskaitė, Gintautas Dzemyda (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

One of the problems in the analysis of the set of images of a moving object is to evaluate the degree of freedom of motion and the angle of rotation. Here the intrinsic dimensionality of multidimensional data, characterizing the set of images, can be used. Usually, the image may be represented by a high-dimensional point whose dimensionality depends on the number of pixels in the image. The knowledge of the intrinsic dimensionality of a data set is very useful information in exploratory data analysis,...

Ordered vertex partitioning.

McConnell, Ross M., Spinrad, Jeremy P. (2000)

Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS [electronic only]

Ordres médians et ordres de Slater des tournois

Irène Charon, Olivier Hudry, Frédéric Woirgard (1996)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Dans cet article, nous essayons de faire le point sur les résultats concernant les aspects combinatoires et algorithmiques des ordres médians et des ordres de Slater des tournois. La plupart des résultats recensés sont tirés de différentes publications ; plusieurs sont originaux.

OWA operators for discrete gradual intervals: implications to fuzzy intervals and multi-expert decision making

Zdenko Takáč (2016)


A new concept in fuzzy sets theory, namely that of gradual element, was introduced recently. It is known that the set of gradual real numbers is not ordered linearly. We restrict our attention to a discrete case and propose a class of linear orders for discrete gradual real numbers. Then, using idea of the so-called admissible order of intervals, we present a class of linear orders for discrete gradual intervals. Once we have the linear orders it is possible to define OWA operator for discrete gradual...

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