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Repetitions and permutations of columns in the semijoin algebra

Dirk Leinders, Jan Van Den Bussche (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Codd defined the relational algebra [E.F. Codd, Communications of the ACM13 (1970) 377–387; E.F. Codd, Relational completeness of data base sublanguages, in Data Base Systems, R. Rustin, Ed., Prentice-Hall (1972) 65–98] as the algebra with operations projection, join, restriction, union and difference. His projection operator can drop, permute and repeat columns of a relation. This permuting and repeating of columns does not really add expressive power to the relational algebra. Indeed, ...

Representación de datos de conjuntos aproximados mediante diagramas de decisión binarios.

Alex Muir, Ivo Düntsch, Günther Gediga (2004)


A new information system representation, which inherently represents indiscernibility is presented. The basic structure of this representation is a Binary Decision Diagram. We offer testing results for converting large data sets into a Binary Decision Diagram Information System representation, and show how indiscernibility can be efficiently determined. Furthermore, a Binary Decision Diagram is used in place of a relative discernibility matrix to allow for more efficient determination of the discernibility...

Representación de datos en meteorología mediante gráficos animados: episodios de lluvia.

Jorge-Luis Navarro (1987)


Los campos escalares, bidimensionales y dependientes del tiempo, se representan generalmente en Meteorología mediante una sucesión de imágenes o análisis separados con una interdistancia temporal adecuada. Esta técnica alcanza su máximo desarrollo en lo que se conoce como gráfico animado.En el presente artículo se describen brevemente los procesos que, a partir de los datos, culminan con la generación de un análisis, imagen o fotograma, particularizando al caso de episodios de lluvia. Tras un resumen...

Representation of fuzzy knowledge bases using Petri nets: operation in the truth space.

Alberto Bugarín, Senén Barro (1996)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper the execution of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases in the truth space is briefly analyzed. The computational efficiency of the process is significantly increased by means of a parameterized description based on the linguistic truth values described by Baldwin. This permits executing the Fuzzy Knowledge Base through operations involving only simple numerical values, thus avoiding the direct analytic manipulation of possibility distributions. A Petri Net-based formalism that permits representing...

Représentation par automate de fonctions continues de tore

F. Blanchard, B. Host, A. Maass (1996)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Soient A p = { 0 , , p - 1 } et Z A p × A p un sous-système. Z est une représentation en base p d’une fonction f du tore si pour tout point x du tore, ses développements en base p sont liés par le couplage Z aux développements en base p de f ( x ) . On prouve que si f est représentable en base p alors f ( x ) = ( u x + m p - 1 ) mod 1 , où u et m A p . Réciproquement, toutes les fonctions de ce type sont représentables en base p par un transducteur. On montre finalement que les fonctions du tore qui peuvent être représentées par automate cellulaire sont exclusivement les multiplications...

Representations of a free group of rank two by time-varying Mealy automata

Adam Woryna (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In the group theory various representations of free groups are used. A representation of a free group of rank two by the so-calledtime-varying Mealy automata over the changing alphabet is given. Two different constructions of such automata are presented.

Réseaux modulaires à structure variable

Louise Martin (1981)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si dà una formalizzazione dei moduli e delle reti modulari a struttura variabile. Si dimostra che per ogni automa finito a struttura variabile esiste una rete modulare a struttura variabile che lo simula. Si stabilisce il legame tra un automa a struttura variabile e l'automa a struttura variabile associato a una rete modulare a struttura variabile che lo simula.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 182