O analýze neiniciálových automatov
It is known that the class of factorizing codes, i.e., codes satisfying the factorization conjecture formulated by Schützenberger, is closed under two operations: the classical composition of codes and substitution of codes. A natural question which arises is whether a finite set of operations exists such that each factorizing code can be obtained by using the operations in and starting with prefix or suffix codes. is named here a complete set of operations (for factorizing codes). We show...
It is known that the class of factorizing codes, i.e., codes satisfying the factorization conjecture formulated by Schützenberger, is closed under two operations: the classical composition of codes and substitution of codes. A natural question which arises is whether a finite set O of operations exists such that each factorizing code can be obtained by using the operations in O and starting with prefix or suffix codes. O is named here a complete set of operations (for factorizing codes). We show...
This paper discusses context-free rewriting systems in which there exist two disjoint finite sets of rules, and a symbol, referred to as a condition of applicability, is attached to each rule in either of these two sets. In one set, a rule with a symbol attached to it is applicable if the attached symbol occurs in the current rewritten string while in the other set, such a rule is applicable if the attached symbol does not occur there. The present paper demonstrates that these rewriting systems...