Displaying 61 – 80 of 129

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Mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of a Reynolds-Koiter model for the elastohydrodynamic journal-bearing device

Iñigo Arregui, J. Jesús Cendán, Carlos Vázquez (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The aim of this work is to deduce the existence of solution of a coupled problem arising in elastohydrodynamic lubrication. The lubricant pressure and concentration are modelled by Reynolds equation, jointly with the free-boundary Elrod-Adams model in order to take into account cavitation phenomena. The bearing deformation is solution of Koiter model for thin shells. The existence of solution to the variational problem presents some difficulties: the coupled character of the equations, the nonlinear...

Mathematical modelling and numerical solution of swelling of cartilaginous tissues. Part I: Modelling of incompressible charged porous media

Kamyar Malakpoor, Enrique F. Kaasschieter, Jacques M. Huyghe (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The swelling and shrinkage of biological tissues are modelled by a four-component mixture theory in which a deformable and charged porous medium is saturated with a fluid with dissolved ions. Four components are defined: solid, liquid, cations and anions. The aim of this paper is the construction of the Lagrangian model of the four-component system. It is shown that, with the choice of Lagrangian description of the solid skeleton, the motion of the other components can be described in terms of...

Microscopic Modelling of Active Bacterial Suspensions

A. Decoene, S. Martin, B. Maury (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We present two-dimensional simulations of chemotactic self-propelled bacteria swimming in a viscous fluid. Self-propulsion is modelled by a couple of forces of same intensity and opposite direction applied on the rigid bacterial body and on an associated region in the fluid representing the flagellar bundle. The method for solving the fluid flow and the motion of the bacteria is based on a variational formulation written on the whole domain, strongly...

Numerical analysis of a Stokes interface problem based on formulation using the characteristic function

Yoshiki Sugitani (2017)

Applications of Mathematics

Numerical analysis of a model Stokes interface problem with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition is considered. The interface condition is interpreted as an additional singular force field to the Stokes equations using the characteristic function. The finite element method is applied after introducing a regularization of the singular source term. Consequently, the error is divided into the regularization and discretization parts which are studied separately. As a result, error estimates...

Numerical approximation of flow in a symmetric channel with vibrating walls

Sváček, Petr, Horáček, Jaromír (2010)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In this paper the numerical solution of two dimensional fluid-structure interaction problem is addressed. The fluid motion is modelled by the incompressible unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. The spatial discretization by stabilized finite element method is used. The motion of the computational domain is treated with the aid of Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) method. The time-space problem is solved with the aid of multigrid method. The method is applied onto a problem of interaction of channel...

Numerical model of a pine in a wind

Jan Korbelář, Drahoslava Janovská (1999)

Applications of Mathematics

Steady-state nonlinear differential equations govering the stem curve of a wind-loaded pine are derived and solved numerically. Comparison is made between the results computed and the data from photographs of a pine stem during strong wind. The pine breaking is solved at the end.

Numerical simulation of a pulsatile flow through a flexible channel

Cornel Marius Murea (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

An algorithm for approximation of an unsteady fluid-structure interaction problem is proposed. The fluid is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations with boundary conditions on pressure, while for the structure a particular plate model is used. The algorithm is based on the modal decomposition and the Newmark Method for the structure and on the Arbitrary lagrangian Eulerian coordinates and the Finite Element Method for the fluid. In this paper, the continuity of the stresses at the interface was...

Numerical simulation of a pulsatile flow through a flexible channel

Cornel Marius Murea (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

An algorithm for approximation of an unsteady fluid-structure interaction problem is proposed. The fluid is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations with boundary conditions on pressure, while for the structure a particular plate model is used. The algorithm is based on the modal decomposition and the Newmark Method for the structure and on the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian coordinates and the Finite Element Method for the fluid. In this paper, the continuity of the stresses at the interface...

Numerical simulation of flow induced airfoil vibrations with large amplitudes

Winter, Ondřej, Sváček, Petr (2019)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This paper is interested with the numerical simulation of the fluid-structure interaction problem realized with the aid of the OpenFOAM package. The case of flow past oscillating NACA 0012 profile was chosen. The loose, strong and combined strong coupling algorithms were tested. The results are presented and a significant improvement of the combined coupling algorithm is shown.

Numerical simulation of gluey particles

Aline Lefebvre (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We propose here a model and a numerical scheme to compute the motion of rigid particles interacting through the lubrication force. In the case of a particle approaching a plane, we propose an algorithm and prove its convergence towards the solutions to the gluey particle model described in [B. Maury, ESAIM: Proceedings 18 (2007) 133–142]. We propose a multi-particle version of this gluey model which is based on the projection of the velocities onto a set of admissible velocities. Then, we describe...

Numerical simulation of gluey particles

Aline Lefebvre (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We propose here a model and a numerical scheme to compute the motion of rigid particles interacting through the lubrication force. In the case of a particle approaching a plane, we propose an algorithm and prove its convergence towards the solutions to the gluey particle model described in [B. Maury, ESAIM: Proceedings18 (2007) 133–142]. We propose a multi-particle version of this gluey model which is based on the projection of the velocities onto a set of admissible velocities. Then, we describe...

Numerical solution of the Kiessl model

Josef Dalík, Josef Daněček, Jiří Vala (2000)

Applications of Mathematics

The Kiessl model of moisture and heat transfer in generally nonhomogeneous porous materials is analyzed. A weak formulation of the problem of propagation of the state parameters of this model, which are so-called moisture potential and temperature, is derived. An application of the method of discretization in time leads to a system of boundary-value problems for coupled pairs of nonlinear second order ODE’s. Some existence and regularity results for these problems are proved and an efficient numerical...

On a constrained minimization problem arising in hemodynamics

João Janela, Adélia Sequeira (2008)

Banach Center Publications

Experimental evidence collected over the years shows that blood exhibits non-Newtonian characteristics such as shear-thinning, viscoelasticity, yield stress and thixotropic behaviour. Under certain conditions these characteristics become relevant and must be taken into consideration when modelling blood flow. In this work we deal with incompressible generalized Newtonian fluids, that account for the non-constant viscosity of blood, and present a new numerical method to handle fluid-rigid body interaction...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 129