Displaying 141 – 160 of 222

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Quasineutral limit of the Euler-Poisson system for ions in a domain with boundaries II

David Gérard-Varet, Daniel Han-Kwan, Frédéric Rousset (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques

In this paper, we study the quasineutral limit of the isothermal Euler-Poisson equation for ions, in a domain with boundary. This is a follow-up to our previous work [5], devoted to no-penetration as well as subsonic outflow boundary conditions. We focus here on the case of supersonic outflow velocities. The structure of the boundary layers and the stabilization mechanism are different.

Résultats d’existence dans des espaces critiques pour le système de la MHD inhomogène

Hammadi Abidi, Taoufik Hmidi (2007)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Nous démontrons dans cet article que le système MHD tridimensionnel à densité et viscosité variables est localement bien posé lorsque ( ρ 0 - 1 - 1 , u 0 , B 0 ) B ˙ p 1 3 p ( 3 ) × B ˙ p 1 3 p - 1 ( 3 ) × B ˙ p 1 3 p - 1 ( 3 ) , pour p ] 1 , 3 ] et la densité initiale est proche d’une constante strictement positive. Nous démontrons également un résultat d’existence et d’unicité dans l’espace de Sobolev H 3 2 + α ( 3 ) × H 3 2 - 1 + α ( 3 ) × H 3 2 - 1 + α ( 3 ) pour α > 0 , sans aucune condition de petitesse sur la densité.

Small time-periodic solutions of equations of magnetohydrodynamics as a singularly perturbed problem

Milan Štědrý, Otto Vejvoda (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with a system of equations describing the motion of viscous electrically conducting incompressible fluid in a bounded three dimensional domain whose boundary is perfectly conducting. The displacement current appearing in Maxwell’s equations, ϵ E t is not neglected. It is proved that for a small periodic force and small positive there exists a locally unique periodic solution of the investigated system. For ϵ 0 , these solutions are shown to convergeto a solution of the simplified (and...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 222