Generalized function treatment of the Alfvén-gravity wave problem.
We survey two problems illustrating geometric-topological and Hamiltonian methods in fluid mechanics: energy relaxation of a magnetic field and conservation laws for ideal fluid motion. More details and results, as well as a guide to the literature on these topics can be found in [3].
Global-in-time existence of solutions for incompressible magnetohydrodynamic fluid equations in a bounded domain Ω ⊂ ℝ³ with the boundary slip conditions is proved. The proof is based on the potential method. The existence is proved in a class of functions such that the velocity and the magnetic field belong to and the pressure q satisfies for p ≥ 7/3.
Global existence of solutions for equations describing a motion of magnetohydrodynamic compresible fluid in a domain bounded by a free surface is proved. In the exterior domain we have an electromagnetic field which is generated by some currents located on a fixed boundary. We have proved that the domain occupied by the fluid remains close to the initial domain for all time.
The main objective of this paper is to study the global strong solution of the parabolic-hyperbolic incompressible magnetohydrodynamic model in the two dimensional space. Based on Agmon, Douglis, and Nirenberg’s estimates for the stationary Stokes equation and Solonnikov’s theorem on --estimates for the evolution Stokes equation, it is shown that this coupled magnetohydrodynamic equations possesses a global strong solution. In addition, the uniqueness of the global strong solution is obtained.