A combined method for computing the field of a point source in a surface waveguide.
The time-dependent system of partial differential equations of the second order describing the electric wave propagation in vertically inhomogeneous electrically and magnetically biaxial anisotropic media is considered. A new analytical method for solving an initial value problem for this system is the main object of the paper. This method consists in the following: the initial value problem is written in terms of Fourier images with respect to lateral space variables, then the resulting problem...
We consider solutions to the time-harmonic Maxwell's Equations of a TE (transverse electric) nature. For such solutions we provide a rigorous derivation of the leading order boundary perturbations resulting from the presence of a finite number of interior inhomogeneities of small diameter. We expect that these formulas will form the basis for very effective computational identification algorithms, aimed at determining information about the inhomogeneities from electromagnetic boundary measurements. ...
We analyze the accuracy and well-posedness of generalized impedance boundary value problems in the framework of scattering problems from unbounded highly absorbing media. We restrict ourselves in this first work to the scalar problem (E-mode for electromagnetic scattering problems). Compared to earlier works, the unboundedness of the rough absorbing layer introduces severe difficulties in the analysis for the generalized impedance boundary conditions, since classical compactness arguments are no...
A class of infinite-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems is defined for which there exists a unique equilibrium point, and the rate of convergence to this point of the trajectories of a dynamical system from the above class is exponential. All the trajectories of the system converge to this point as t → +∞, no matter what the initial conditions are. This class consists of strongly dissipative systems. An example of such systems is provided by passive systems in network theory (see, e.g., MR0601947...