Empirické formule, vyskytující se ve fysikálně chemických aplikacích
We overview the notion of entropy in thermodynamics. We start from the smooth case using differential forms on the manifold, which is the natural language for thermodynamics. Then the axiomatic definition of entropy as ordering on a set that is induced by adiabatic processes will be outlined. Finally, the viewpoint of category theory is provided, which reinterprets the ordering structure as a category of pre-ordered sets.
Extended thermodynamics is based on a set of equations of balance which are supplemented by local and instantaneous constitutive equations so that the field equations are quasi-linear differential equations of first order. If the constitutive functions are subject to the requirements of the entropy principle, one may write them in symmetric hyperbolic form by a suitable choice of fields. The kinetic theory of gases, or the moment theories based on the Boltzmann equation, provide an explicit example...