Displaying 61 – 80 of 153

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Mac Neille completion of centers and centers of Mac Neille completions of lattice effect algebras

Martin Kalina (2010)


If element z of a lattice effect algebra ( E , , 0 , 1 ) is central, then the interval [ 0 , z ] is a lattice effect algebra with the new top element z and with inherited partial binary operation . It is a known fact that if the set C ( E ) of central elements of E is an atomic Boolean algebra and the supremum of all atoms of C ( E ) in E equals to the top element of E , then E is isomorphic to a subdirect product of irreducible effect algebras ([18]). This means that if there exists a MacNeille completion E ^ of E which is its extension...

Matrix representation of finite effect algebras

Grzegorz Bińczak, Joanna Kaleta, Andrzej Zembrzuski (2023)


In this paper we present representation of finite effect algebras by matrices. For each non-trivial finite effect algebra E we construct set of matrices M ( E ) in such a way that effect algebras E 1 and E 2 are isomorphic if and only if M ( E 1 ) = M ( E 2 ) . The paper also contains the full list of matrices representing all nontrivial finite effect algebras of cardinality at most 8 .

Modular atomic effect algebras and the existence of subadditive states

Zdena Riečanová (2004)


Lattice effect algebras generalize orthomodular lattices and M V -algebras. We describe all complete modular atomic effect algebras. This allows us to prove the existence of ordercontinuous subadditive states (probabilities) on them. For the separable noncomplete ones we show that the existence of a faithful probability is equivalent to the condition that their MacNeille complete modular effect algebra.

New operations on partial Abelian monoids defined by preideals

Elena Vinceková (2008)


We consider partial abelian monoids, in particular generalized effect algebras. From the given structures, we construct new ones by introducing a new operation , which is given by restriction of the original partial operation + with respect to a special subset called preideal. We bring some derived properties and characterizations of these new built structures, supporting the results by illustrative examples.

Observables on σ -MV algebras and σ -lattice effect algebras

Anna Jenčová, Sylvia Pulmannová, Elena Vinceková (2011)


Effect algebras were introduced as abstract models of the set of quantum effects which represent sharp and unsharp properties of physical systems and play a basic role in the foundations of quantum mechanics. In the present paper, observables on lattice ordered σ -effect algebras and their “smearings” with respect to (weak) Markov kernels are studied. It is shown that the range of any observable is contained in a block, which is a σ -MV algebra, and every observable is defined by a smearing of a sharp...

On complete-cocomplete subspaces of an inner product space

David Buhagiar, Emmanuel Chetcuti (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

In this note we give a measure-theoretic criterion for the completeness of an inner product space. We show that an inner product space S is complete if and only if there exists a σ -additive state on C ( S ) , the orthomodular poset of complete-cocomplete subspaces of S . We then consider the problem of whether every state on E ( S ) , the class of splitting subspaces of S , can be extended to a Hilbertian state on E ( S ¯ ) ; we show that for the dense hyperplane S (of a separable Hilbert space) constructed by P. Pták and...

On interval homogeneous orthomodular lattices

Anna de Simone, Mirko Navara, Pavel Pták (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

An orthomodular lattice L is said to be interval homogeneous (resp. centrally interval homogeneous) if it is σ -complete and satisfies the following property: Whenever L is isomorphic to an interval, [ a , b ] , in L then L is isomorphic to each interval [ c , d ] with c a and d b (resp. the same condition as above only under the assumption that all elements a , b , c , d are central in L ). Let us denote by Inthom (resp. Inthom c ) the class of all interval homogeneous orthomodular lattices (resp. centrally interval homogeneous...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 153