Matrices aléatoires : statistique asymptotique des valeurs propres
We study the dynamics of interacting fermionic systems, in the mean-field regime. We consider initial states which are close to quasi-free states and prove that, under suitable assumptions on the inital data and on the many-body interaction, the quantum evolution of the system is approximated by a time-dependent quasi-free state. In particular we prove that the evolution of the reduced one-particle density matrix converges, as the number of particles goes to infinity, to the solution of the time-dependent...
In the present paper we prove moderate deviations for a Curie–Weiss model with external magnetic field generated by a dynamical system, as introduced by Dombry and Guillotin-Plantard in [C. Dombry and N. Guillotin-Plantard, Markov Process. Related Fields 15 (2009) 1–30]. The results extend those already obtained for the Curie–Weiss model without external field by Eichelsbacher and Löwe in [P. Eichelsbacher and M. Löwe, Markov Process. Related Fields 10 (2004) 345–366]. The Curie–Weiss model with...