Displaying 281 – 300 of 492

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On the solution of the constrained multiobjective control problem with the receding horizon approach

Daniele De Vito, Riccardo Scattolini (2008)


This paper deals with a multiobjective control problem for nonlinear discrete time systems. The problem consists of finding a control strategy which minimizes a number of performance indexes subject to state and control constraints. A solution to this problem through the Receding Horizon approach is proposed. Under standard assumptions, it is shown that the resulting control law guarantees closed-loop stability. The proposed method is also used to provide a robustly stabilizing solution to the problem...

On the Steiner 2-edge connected subgraph polytope

A. Rhida Mahjoub, Pierre Pesneau (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, we study the Steiner 2-edge connected subgraph polytope. We introduce a large class of valid inequalities for this polytope called the generalized Steiner F-partition inequalities, that generalizes the so-called Steiner F-partition inequalities. We show that these inequalities together with the trivial and the Steiner cut inequalities completely describe the polytope on a class of graphs that generalizes the wheels. We also describe necessary conditions for these inequalities to...

On the use of semi-closed sets and functions in convex analysis

Constantin Zălinescu (2015)

Open Mathematics

The main aim of this short note is to show that the subdifferentiability and duality results established by Laghdir (2005), Laghdir and Benabbou (2007), and Alimohammady et al. (2011), stated in Fréchet spaces, are consequences of the corresponding known results using Moreau-Rockafellar type conditions.

On the weak robustness of fuzzy matrices

Ján Plavka (2013)


A matrix A in ( max , min ) -algebra (fuzzy matrix) is called weakly robust if A k x is an eigenvector of A only if x is an eigenvector of A . The weak robustness of fuzzy matrices are studied and its properties are proved. A characterization of the weak robustness of fuzzy matrices is presented and an O ( n 2 ) algorithm for checking the weak robustness is described.

On the weighted Euclidean matching problem in d

Birgit Anthes, Ludger Rüschendorf (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A partitioning algorithm for the Euclidean matching problem in d is introduced and analyzed in a probabilistic model. The algorithm uses elements from the fixed dissection algorithm of Karp and Steele (1985) and the Zig-Zag algorithm of Halton and Terada (1982) for the traveling salesman problem. The algorithm runs in expected time n ( l o g n ) p - 1 and approximates the optimal matching in the probabilistic sense.

On transient queue-size distribution in the batch-arrivals system with a single vacation policy

Wojciech M. Kempa (2014)


A queueing system with batch Poisson arrivals and single vacations with the exhaustive service discipline is investigated. As the main result the representation for the Laplace transform of the transient queue-size distribution in the system which is empty before the opening is obtained. The approach consists of few stages. Firstly, some results for a ``usual'' system without vacations corresponding to the original one are derived. Next, applying the formula of total probability, the analysis of...

On transitive orientations of G-ê

Michael Andresen (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A comparability graph is a graph whose edges can be oriented transitively. Given a comparability graph G = (V,E) and an arbitrary edge ê∈ E we explore the question whether the graph G-ê, obtained by removing the undirected edge ê, is a comparability graph as well. We define a new substructure of implication classes and present a complete mathematical characterization of all those edges.

On two methods for the parameter estimation problem with spatio-temporal FRAP data

Papáček, Štěpán, Jablonský, Jiří, Matonoha, Ctirad (2015)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching) is a measurement technique for determination of the mobility of fluorescent molecules (presumably due to the diffusion process) within the living cells. While the experimental setup and protocol are usually fixed, the method used for the model parameter estimation, i.e. the data processing step, is not well established. In order to enhance the quantitative analysis of experimental (noisy) FRAP data, we firstly formulate the inverse problem of model...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 492