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Approximation of nonconical preference relations in multiple-criteria decision problems.

M.ª de los Angeles Casares de Cal (1992)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Our work field is Multiple-Criteria Decision Making Problems. We study the binary relations, not necessarily conical, that represent the decisor's preferences in the Objective or Outcome Space, we approach them by using cones and we explore under what conditions this approximation can retrieve the entire information of these binary relations.

Centralized VERSUS decentralized production planning

Georgios K. Saharidis, Yves Dallery, Fikri Karaesmen (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In the course of globalization, many enterprises change their strategies and are coupled in partnerships with suppliers, subcontractors and customers. This coupling forms supply chains comprising several geographically distributed production facilities. Production planning in a supply chain is a complicated and difficult task, as it has to be optimal both for the local manufacturing units and for the whole supply chain network. In this paper two analytical models are used to solve the production planning...

Characterization of linear rational preference structures.

Jacinto González Pachón, Sixto Ríos-Insua (1992)

Extracta Mathematicae

We consider the multiobjective decision making problem. The decision maker's (DM) impossibility to take consciously a preference or indifference attitude with regard to a pair of alternatives leads us to what we have called doubt attitude. So, the doubt may be revealed in a conscient way by the DM. However, it may appear in an inconscient way, revealing judgements about her/his attitudes which do not follow a certain logical reasoning.In this paper, doubt will be considered as a part of the information...

Choix multicritères dans le risque et variables multidimensionnelles: proposition de méthode et application aux réseaux de transport d'énergie

Bertrand Munier, Nathalie Taverdet-Popiolek (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper presents an application of Multiple Attribute Utility Theory on strategic choices concerning energy transportation. The environmental assessment of a network reinforcement strategy is emphasized. Our assessment brings about to consider multidimensional variables in MCDM. However, Multi-Attributed Utility Theory (MAUT) cannot, as a practical matter, manage such variables. We therefore work out a methodology to transform multidimensional variables into unidimensional ones. We apply...

Clasificación en programación multiobjetivo.

Carlos González Martín (1986)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

En el presente trabajo, después de justificar lo importante que resulta para el decisor, en muchos casos, el poder obtener clasificaciones en el conjunto de objetivos de un problema de Porgramación Multiobjetivo, se hace un estudio algorítmico que permite agruparlos en función de ciertos niveles de conformidad.

Combination of t-norms and their conorms

Karel Zimmermann (2023)


Non-negative linear combinations of t min -norms and their conorms are used to formulate some decision making problems using systems of max-separable equations and inequalities and optimization problems under constraints described by such systems. The systems have the left hand sides equal to the maximum of increasing functions of one variable and on the right hand sides are constants. Properties of the systems are studied as well as optimization problems with constraints given by the systems and appropriate...

Consistency-driven approximation of a pairwise comparison matrix

Esther Dopazo, Jacinto González-Pachón (2003)


The pairwise comparison method is an interesting technique for building a global ranking from binary comparisons. In fact, some web search engines use this method to quantify the importance of a set of web sites. The purpose of this paper is to search a set of priority weights from the preference information contained in a general pairwise comparison matrix; i.e., a matrix without consistency and reciprocity properties. For this purpose, we consider an approximation methodology within a distance-based...

Decision-making for long memory data in technical-economic design, fractals and decision area bubbles

Václav Beran (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

Economic and management theories are very often based in their applications on the perception of homogeneity of the application space. The purpose of this article is to query such a conviction and indicate new possible directions of discipline development. The article deals with symbiosis of process and his steering model as a process of management. It is possible that in relative near future it will be necessary to accept approaches and changes in interpretations of decision-making. Applications...

Decision-making of portfolio investment with linear plus double exponential utility function

Qingjian Zhou, Jia Jiao, Datian Niu, Deli Yang (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This paper broadens the exponential utility function commonly used by risk-averse investors to the linear plus double exponential utility function, which is applicable in most cases. Thus it is of essential and supreme significance to conduct a research on its optimal investment portfolio in securities investment. This paper, by means of the non-difference curve method, carries out a research into the optimal portfolio decision-making by investors who have this type of utility function. The optimal...

Distancias elipsoidales y puntos eficientes. Un método interactivo.

María Teresa Ramos Domínguez, Miguel Sánchez García, Carlos González Martín (1988)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

En este trabajo se estudian las propiedades que relacionan las distancias elipsoidales con la generación de puntos eficientes de un problema de programación multiobjetivo. Basándonos en estas propiedades, hemos construido un algoritmo interactivo convergente.

Double pondération pour calculer une moyenne : Pourquoi et comment ?

Bernard Roy (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

L'opérateur de moyenne pondérée est très souvent utilisé pour définir une valeur v(a) à des entités a à partir de performances xj(a), j=1,...,n. Cet opérateur fait intervenir des poids spécifiqueswj comme multiplicateurs de la performance relative à la je composante. Ceci induit des possibilités de compensation des mauvaises performances par les meilleures qui peuvent être jugées inacceptables dans certains contextes concrets. En vue d'atténuer ces possibilités de compensation, on peut faire intervenir...


C. Artigues, D. Feillet, P. Michelon (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 156