Charges stationnaires d'une file d'attente avec blocages
This paper presents an application of Multiple Attribute Utility Theory on strategic choices concerning energy transportation. The environmental assessment of a network reinforcement strategy is emphasized. Our assessment brings about to consider multidimensional variables in MCDM. However, Multi-Attributed Utility Theory (MAUT) cannot, as a practical matter, manage such variables. We therefore work out a methodology to transform multidimensional variables into unidimensional ones. We apply...
En el presente trabajo, después de justificar lo importante que resulta para el decisor, en muchos casos, el poder obtener clasificaciones en el conjunto de objetivos de un problema de Porgramación Multiobjetivo, se hace un estudio algorítmico que permite agruparlos en función de ciertos niveles de conformidad.
Les modèles classiques de coloration doivent leur notoriété en grande partie à leurs applications à des problèmes de type emploi du temps ; nous présentons les concepts de base des colorations ainsi qu’une série de variations et de généralisations motivées par divers problèmes d’ordonnancement dont les élaborations d’horaires scolaires. Quelques algorithmes exacts et heuristiques seront présentés et nous esquisserons des méthodes basées sur la recherche Tabou pour trouver des solutions approchées...
The classical colouring models are well known thanks in large part to their applications to scheduling type problems; we describe the basic concepts of colourings together with a number of variations and generalisations arising from scheduling problems such as the creation of school schedules. Some exact and heuristic algorithms will be presented, and we will sketch solution methods based on tabu search to find approximate solutions to large problems. Finally we will also mention the use...
This paper presents a migration strategy for a set of mobile agents (MAs) in order to satisfy customers' requests in a transport network, through a multimodal information system. In this context, we propose an optimization solution which operates on two levels. The first one aims to constitute a set of MAs building their routes, called Workplans. At this level, Workplans must incorporate all nodes, representing information providers in the multimodal network, in order to explore it completely....
Non-negative linear combinations of -norms and their conorms are used to formulate some decision making problems using systems of max-separable equations and inequalities and optimization problems under constraints described by such systems. The systems have the left hand sides equal to the maximum of increasing functions of one variable and on the right hand sides are constants. Properties of the systems are studied as well as optimization problems with constraints given by the systems and appropriate...
Using techniques for modeling indices by means of functional equations and resources from fuzzy set theory, the classical Balthazard index used in order to combine several degrees of impairment is characterized in two natural ways and its use is criticized. In addition some hints are given on how to study better solutions than Balthazard's one for the problem of combining impairment degrees.
This paper presents how a dynamic system model can be used together with the Datar–Mathews real option analysis method for investment analysis of metal mining projects. The focus of the paper is on analyzing a project from the point of view of the project owner. The paper extends the Datar–Mathews real option analysis method by combining it with a dynamic system model. The model employs a dynamic discount rate that changes as the debt-level of the project changes. A numerical case illustration of...