Open-loop and closed-loop equilibrium solutions for multistage games
A pair trade is a portfolio consisting of a long position in one asset and a short position in another, and it is a widely used investment strategy in the financial industry. Recently, Ekström, Lindberg, and Tysk studied the problem of optimally closing a pair trading strategy when the difference of the two assets is modelled by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. In the present work the model is generalized to also include jumps. More precisely, we assume that the difference between the assets is an...
The aim of this paper is to construct an optimal investment strategy for a non-life insurance business. We consider an insurance company which provides, in exchange for a single premium, full coverage to a portfolio of risks which generates losses according to a compound Poisson process. The insurer invests the premium and trades continuously on the financial market which consists of one risk-free asset and n risky assets (Black-Scholes market). We deal with the insurer's wealth path dependent disutility...
We consider a discrete-time, generically incomplete market model and a behavioural investor with power-like utility and distortion functions. The existence of optimal strategies in this setting has been shown in Carassus-Rásonyi (2015) under certain conditions on the parameters of these power functions. In the present paper we prove the existence of optimal strategies under a different set of conditions on the parameters, identical to the ones in Rásonyi-Rodrigues (2013), which...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 37F21, 70H20, 37L40, 37C40, 91G80, 93E20.In this work we will study a problem of optimal investment in financial markets with stochastic volatility with small parameter. We used the averaging method of Bogoliubov for limited development for the optimal strategies when the small parameter of the model tends to zero and the limit for the optimal strategy and demonstrated the convergence of these optimal strategies.
We consider the dynamic control problem of attaining a target position at a finite time T, while minimizing a linear-quadratic cost functional depending on the position and speed. We assume that the coefficients of the linear-quadratic cost functional are stochastic processes adapted to a Brownian filtration. We provide a probabilistic solution in terms of two coupled backward stochastic differential equations possessing a singularity at the terminal time T. We verify optimality of the candidate...
The problem of choosing an optimal insurance policy for an individual has recently been better understood, particularly due to the papers by Gajek and Zagrodny. In this paper we study its multi-agent version: we assume that insureds cooperate with one another to maximize their utility function. They create coalitions by bringing their risks to the pool and purchasing a common insurance contract. The resulting outcome is divided according to a certain rule called strategy. We address the fundamental...
The following problem in risk theory is considered. An insurance company, endowed with an initial capital a > 0, receives insurance premiums and pays out successive claims from two kind of risks. The losses occur according to a marked point process. At any time the company may broaden or narrow down the offer, which entails the change of the parameters of the underlying risk process. These changes concern the rate of income, the intensity of the renewal process and the distribution of claims....