On totally bounded games
This paper considers bimatrix games with matrices having concavity properties. The games described by such payoff matrices well approximate two-person non-zero-sum games on the unit square, with payoff functions F₁(x,y) concave in x for each y, and/or F₂(x,y) concave in y for each x. For these games it is shown that there are Nash equilibria in players' strategies with supports consisting of at most two points. Also a simple search procedure for such Nash equilibria is given.
The theory of copulas provides a useful tool for modeling dependence in risk management. In insurance and finance, as well as in other applications, dependence of extreme events is particularly important, hence there is a need for a detailed study of the tail behaviour of multivariate copulas. We investigate the class of copulas having regular tails with a uniform expansion. We present several equivalent characterizations of uniform tail expansions. Next, basing on them, we determine the class of...
We present a model1ing framework for multistage planning problems under uncertainty in the objective function coefficients and right-hand-side. A multistagy scenario analysis scheme with partial recourse is used. So, the decisíon polícy can be implemented for a given set of initial time periods (so-called implementable time stage), such that the solution for the other periods lioes not need' to be anticipated and, then, it depends upon the scenario group to occur at each stage. In any ca~e the solution...
This paper proposes a Lie group analytical approach to tackle the problem of pricing derivative securities. By exploiting the infinitesimal symmetries of the Boundary Value Problem (BVP) satisfied by the price of a derivative security, our method provides an effective algorithm for obtaining its explicit solution.
In this paper we consider weak and strong quasiequilibrium problems with moving cones in Hausdorff topological vector spaces. Sufficient conditions for well-posedness of these problems are established under relaxed continuity assumptions. All kinds of well-posedness are studied: (generalized) Hadamard well-posedness, (unique) well-posedness under perturbations. Many examples are provided to illustrate the essentialness of the imposed assumptions. As applications of the main results, sufficient conditions...
In the main result, partially answering a question of Telgársky, the following is proven: if X is a first countable R₀-space, then player β (i.e. the EMPTY player) has a winning strategy in the strong Choquet game on X if and only if X contains a nonempty -subspace which is of the first category in itself.
In this paper we focus on one-point (point-valued) solutions for transferable utility games (TU-games). Since each allocated profit vector is identified with an additive game, a solution can be regarded as a mapping which associates an additive game with each TU-game. Recently Kultti and Salonen proposed a minimum norm problem to find the best approximation in the set of efficient additive games for a given TU-game. They proved some interesting properties of the obtained solution. However, they...
Vagueness is one of the phenomena which cannot be separated from the real bargaining and cooperative situations. The aim of this paper is to offer a brief survey of the recent state-of-art of the modelling of vagueness in coalitional games with transferable utility. It may be recognized in two components of these games, namely, in vague structure of coalitions where each player may simultaneously participate in several of them, and in vague expectations of coalitional pay-offs. Both these cases...