On the Measurement of financial market integration
A pair trade is a portfolio consisting of a long position in one asset and a short position in another, and it is a widely used investment strategy in the financial industry. Recently, Ekström, Lindberg, and Tysk studied the problem of optimally closing a pair trading strategy when the difference of the two assets is modelled by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. In the present work the model is generalized to also include jumps. More precisely, we assume that the difference between the assets is an...
We consider a discrete-time, generically incomplete market model and a behavioural investor with power-like utility and distortion functions. The existence of optimal strategies in this setting has been shown in Carassus-Rásonyi (2015) under certain conditions on the parameters of these power functions. In the present paper we prove the existence of optimal strategies under a different set of conditions on the parameters, identical to the ones in Rásonyi-Rodrigues (2013), which...
Based upon an observation that it is too restrictive to assume a definite correlation of the underlying asset price and its volatility, we use a hybrid model of the constant elasticity of variance and stochastic volatility to study a portfolio optimization problem for pension plans. By using asymptotic analysis, we derive a correction to the optimal strategy for the constant elasticity of variance model and subsequently the fine structure of the corrected optimal strategy is revealed. The result...
One-fund theorem states that an efficient portfolio in a Mean-Variance (M-V) portfolio selection problem for a set of some risky assets and a riskless asset can be represented by a combination of a unique risky fund (tangency portfolio) and the riskless asset. In this paper, we introduce a method for which the tangency portfolio can be produced as a corner portfolio. So, the tangency portfolio can be computed easily and fast by any algorithm designed for tracing out the M-V efficient frontier via...
Without any doubt, credit risk is one of the most important risk types in the classical banking industry. Consequently, banks are required by supervisory audits to allocate economic capital to cover unexpected future credit losses. Typically, the amount of economical capital is determined with a credit portfolio model, e.g. using the popular CreditRisk+ framework (1997) or one of its recent generalizations (e.g. [8] or [15]). Relying on specific distributional assumptions, the credit loss distribution...
Motivated by downside risk minimization on the wealth process in an incomplete market model, we have studied in the recent work the asymptotic behavior as time horizon T → ∞ of the minimizing probability that the empirical mean of a controlled semi-martingale falls below a certain level on the time horizon T. This asymptotic behavior relates to a risk-sensitive stochastic control problem in the risk-averse case. Indeed, we obtained an expression of the decay rate of the probability by the Legendre...
We consider an incomplete market with an untradable stochastic factor and a robust investment problem based on the CARA utility. We formulate it as a stochastic differential game problem, and use Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations to derive an explicit representation of the robust optimal portfolio; the HJBI equation is transformed using a substitution of the Cole-Hopf type. Not only the pure investment problem, but also a problem of robust hedging is taken into account: an agent tries to...
In practice, it is well known that hedging a derivative instrument can never be perfect. In the case of credit derivatives (e.g. synthetic CDO tranche products), a trader will have to face some specific difficulties. The first one is the inconsistence between most of the existing pricing models, where the risk is the occurrence of defaults, and the real hedging strategy, where the trader will protect his portfolio against small CDS spread movements. The second one, which is the main subject of...
In this paper we are concerned with finite element approximations to the evaluation of American options. First, following W. Allegretto etc., SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 39 (2001), 834–857, we introduce a novel practical approach to the discussed problem, which involves the exact reformulation of the original problem and the implementation of the numerical solution over a very small region so that this algorithm is very rapid and highly accurate. Secondly by means of a superapproximation and interpolation...
We incorporate model uncertainty into a quadratic portfolio optimization framework. We consider an incomplete continuous time market with a non-tradable stochastic factor. Two stochastic game problems are formulated and solved using Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations. The proof of existence and uniqueness of a solution to the resulting semilinear PDE is also provided. The latter can be used to extend many portfolio optimization results.