Displaying 341 – 360 of 395

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Statistical estimation of the dynamics of watershed dams

Zbisław Tabor (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In the present study the notion of watershed contour dynamics, defined within the framework of mathematical morphology, is examined. It is shown that the dynamics are a direct measure of the “sharpness” of transition between neighboring watershed basins. The expressions for the expected value and the statistical error of the estimation of contour dynamics are derived in the presence of noise, based on extreme value theory. The sensitivity of contour dynamics to noise is studied. A statistical approach...

Štatistické modelovanie javu El Niño - Južná oscilácia v klimatológii

Nikola Jajcay, Milan Paluš (2017)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Pri modelovaní v klimatológii a meteorológii rozlišujeme dva základné druhy modelov — dynamické a štatistické. Dynamické modely majú fyzikálny základ, ktorý pozostáva z diskretizovaných diferenciálnych rovníc a súčasného stavu ako počiatočnej podmienky a následne modelujú stav systému integrovaním týchto rovníc v čase. Štatistické modely sú už v základe odlišné: ich fungovanie sa nezakladá na fyzikálnych mechanizmoch tvoriacich dynamiku modelovaného systému, ale sú odvodené z analýzy chodu počasia...

Suggestion from the Past?

Machado, J., Jesus, Isabel (2004)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (main), 35A22, 78A25, 93A30The generalization of the concept of derivative to non-integer values goes back to the beginning of the theory of differential calculus. Nevertheless, its application in physics and engineering remained unexplored up to the last two decades. Recent research motivated the establishment of strategies taking advantage of the Fractional Calculus (FC) in the modeling and control of many phenomena. In fact, many classical engineering...

Supervisory controller design for timed-place Petri nets

Aydin Aybar, Altuğ İftar (2012)


Supervisory controller design to avoid deadlock in discrete-event systems modeled by timed-place Petri nets (TPPNs) is considered. The recently introduced approach of place-stretching is utilized for this purpose. In this approach, given an original TPPN (OPN), a new TPPN, called the place-stretched Petri net (PSPN), is obtained. The PSPN has the property that its marking vector is sufficient to represent its state. By using this property, a supervisory controller design approach for TPPNs to avoid...

Supervisory fault tolerant control of the GTM UAV using LPV methods

Tamás Péni, Báltin Vanek, Zoltán Szabó, József Bakor (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A multi-level reconfiguration framework is proposed for fault tolerant control of over-actuated aerial vehicles, where the levels indicate how much authority is given to the reconfiguration task. On the lowest, first level the fault is accommodated by modifying only the actuator/sensor configuration, so the fault remains hidden from the baseline controller. A dynamic reallocation scheme is applied on this level. The allocation mechanism exploits the actuator/sensor redundancy available on the aircraft....

Supervisory fault tolerant control with integrated fault detection and isolation: A switched system approach

Hao Yang, Bin Jiang, Vincent Cocquempot, Lingli Lu (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper focuses on supervisory fault tolerant control design for a class of systems with faults ranging over a finite cover. The proposed framework is based on a switched system approach, and relies on a supervisory switching within a family of pre-computed candidate controllers without individual fault detection and isolation schemes. Each fault set can be accommodated either by one candidate controller or by a set of controllers under an appropriate switching law. Two aircraft examples are...

Survival analysis on data streams: Analyzing temporal events in dynamically changing environments

Ammar Shaker, Eyke Hüllermeier (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, we introduce a method for survival analysis on data streams. Survival analysis (also known as event history analysis) is an established statistical method for the study of temporal “events” or, more specifically, questions regarding the temporal distribution of the occurrence of events and their dependence on covariates of the data sources. To make this method applicable in the setting of data streams, we propose an adaptive variant of a model that is closely related to the well-known...

Sweep coverage of discrete time multi-robot networks with general topologies

Chao Zhai (2014)


This paper addresses a sweep coverage problem of multi-robot networks with general topologies. To deal with environmental uncertainties, we present discrete time sweep coverage algorithms to guarantee the complete coverage of the given region by sweeping in parallel with workload partition. Moreover, the error between actual coverage time and the optimal time is estimated with the aid of continuous time results. Finally, numerical simulation is conducted to verify the theoretical results.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 395