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Developing a model based digital human meridian system is one of the interesting ways of understanding and improving acupuncture treatment, safety analysis for acupuncture operation, doctor training, or treatment scheme evaluation. In accomplishing this task, how to construct a proper model to describe the behavior of human meridian systems is one of the very important issues. From experiments, it has been found that the hysteresis phenomenon occurs in the relations between stimulation input and...
The aim of this paper is to open a new way of modelling non-exchangeable random variables with a class of Archimax copulas. We investigate a connection between powers of generators and dependence functions, and propose some construction methods for dependence functions. Application to different hydrological data is given.
This paper is concerned with the non-fragile sampled data filtering problem for continuous Markov jump linear system with partly known transition probabilities (TPs). The filter gain is assumed to have additive variations and TPs are assumed to be known, uncertain with known bounds and completely unknown. The aim is to design a non-fragile filter to ensure both the robust stochastic stability and a prescribed level of performance for the filtering error dynamics. Sufficient conditions for...
The paper deals with parameter and state estimation and focuses on two problems that frequently occur in many practical applications: (i) bounded uncertainty and (ii) missing measurement data. An algorithm for the state estimation of the discrete-time non-linear state space model whose uncertainties are bounded is proposed. The algorithm also copes with situations when some measurements are missing. It uses Bayesian approach and evaluates maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimates of states...
A combined, parametric-nonparametric identification algorithm for a special case of NARMAX systems is proposed. The parameters of individual blocks are aggregated in one matrix (including mixed products of parameters). The matrix is estimated by an instrumental variables technique with the instruments generated by a nonparametric kernel method. Finally, the result is decomposed to obtain parameters of the system elements. The consistency of the proposed estimate is proved and the rate of convergence...
This paper presents a relaxed scheme for controller synthesis of continuous- time systems in the Takagi-Sugeno form, based on non-quadratic Lyapunov functions and a non-PDC control law. The relaxations here provided allow state and input dependence of the membership functions’ derivatives, as well as independence on initial conditions when input constraints are needed. Moreover, the controller synthesis is attainable via linear matrix inequalities, which are efficiently solved by commercially available...
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