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Decomposition-based logic synthesis for PAL-based CPLDs

Adam Opara, Dariusz Kania (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents one concept of decomposition methods dedicated to PAL-based CPLDs. The proposed approach is an alternative to the classical one, which is based on two-level minimization of separate single-output functions. The key idea of the algorithm is to search for free blocks that could be implemented in PAL-based logic blocks containing a limited number of product terms. In order to better exploit the number of product terms, two-stage decomposition and BDD-based decomposition are to be...

Dedicated spectral method of Boolean function decomposition

Piotr Porwik, Radomir Stankovic (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Spectral methods constitute a useful tool in the analysis and synthesis of Boolean functions, especially in cases when other methods reduce to brute-force search procedures. There is renewed interest in the application of spectral methods in this area, which extends also to the closely connected concept of the autocorrelation function, for which spectral methods provide fast calculation algorithms. This paper discusses the problem of spectral decomposition of Boolean functions using the Walsh transform...

Depth lower bounds for monotone semi-unbounded fan-in circuits

Jan Johannsen (2001)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

The depth hierarchy results for monotone circuits of Raz and McKenzie [5] are extended to the case of monotone circuits of semi-unbounded fan-in. It follows that the inclusions N C i S A C i A C i are proper in the monotone setting, for every i 1 .

Depth Lower Bounds for Monotone Semi-Unbounded Fan-in Circuits

Jan Johannsen (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The depth hierarchy results for monotone circuits of Raz and McKenzie [5] are extended to the case of monotone circuits of semi-unbounded fan-in. It follows that the inclusions NCi ⊆ SACi ⊆ ACi are proper in the monotone setting, for every i ≥ 1.

Design of mealy finite-state machines with the transformation of object codes

Alexander Barkalov, Alexander Barkalov (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

An optimization method of the logic circuit of a Mealy finite-state machine is proposed. It is based on the transformation of object codes. The objects of the Mealy FSM are internal states and sets of microoperations. The main idea is to express the states as some functions of sets of microoperations (internal states) and tags. The application of this method is connected with the use of a special code converter in the logic circuit of an FSM. An example of application is given. The effectiveness...

Discrétisation de zeta-déterminants d’opérateurs de Schrödinger sur le tore

Laurent Chaumard (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous donnons ici deux résultats sur le déterminant ζ -régularisé det ζ A d’un opérateur de Schrödinger A = Δ g + V sur une variété compacte . Nous construisons, pour = S 1 × S 1 , une suite ( G n , ρ n , Δ n ) G n est un graphe fini qui se plonge dans via ρ n de telle manière que ρ n ( G n ) soit une triangulation de et où  Δ n est un laplacien discret sur G n tel que pour tout potentiel V sur , la suite de réels det ( Δ n + V ) converge après renormalisation vers det ζ ( Δ g + V ) . Enfin, nous donnons sur toute variété riemannienne compacte ( , g ) de dimension inférieure ou égale à 3 ...

Double fault distinguishability in linear systems

Jan Maciej Kościelny, Zofia M. Łabęda-Grudziak (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper develops a new approach to double fault isolation in linear systems with the aid of directional residuals. The method of residual generation for computational as well as internal forms is applied. Isolation of double faults is based on the investigation of the coplanarity of the residual vector with the planes defined by the individual pairs of directional fault vectors. Additionally, the method of designing secondary residuals, which are structured and directional, is proposed. These...

Dynamique des nombres et physique des oscillateurs

Jacky Cresson (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Nous présentons un modèle mathématique permettant de reproduire le spectre expérimental des fréquences dans un composant électronique appelé boucle ouverte. Le spectre semble s’organiser suivant une contrainte de nature diophantienne sur les fréquences. Sa structure peut donc se comprendre via une étude de l’ensemble des fractions continues en fonction de leur longueur et de la taille des quotients partiels.

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