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Objem klence

Milada Kočandrlová, Jana Vecková (2009)

Učitel matematiky

Obsah obecného mnohoúhelníku

Vlastimil Dlab (2012)

Učitel matematiky

Nejprve je čtenářům poskytnuta definice obecného mnohoúhelníku a popsání i jiných výrazů, které je nutné pro porozumění pokračování článku znát. V běžných učebnicích nalezneme nejvýše výpočet obsahu pravidelného mnohoúhelníku. Autor uvádí větu, podle které je možno vypočítat obsah i obecného mnohoúhelníku. Důkaz je proveden za pomoci indukce. Nakonec je uveden příklad, jak vzorec použít v praxi, včetně řešení.

Pozoruhodné vlastnosti kruhové inverze

Aleš Kobza (2014)

Učitel matematiky

The paper presents basic properties of circle projection. They are described and proved. The article extends secondary school curriculum but is still applicable for secondary school students and their teachers. The theory is used in an application problem.


František Kuřina (2014)

Učitel matematiky

The goal of the article is to show the origin and development of proofs. Different approaches to a geometrical problem with triangle are demonstrated. The beginning of solution of the problem is not only in logic, but also in intuition and imagination.

Různé přístupy k výuce vět o shodných trojúhelnících

Naďa Vondrová (2013)

Učitel matematiky

The article focuses on the approaches to the teaching of the same subject matter, namely the theorems for congruent triangles. The approaches mainly differ in the pupils' participation on the creation of new knowledge and are ordered on the scale instructional teaching - constructivist teaching. Three of the approaches have been tested in real classrooms and the trials are described in the article.

Sčítání křivek

Alena Šarounová (2014)

Učitel matematiky

Addition of curves yields an interesting possibility for geometric experiments at basic and secondary schools. Addition of curves and surfaces is a tool used in architecture. The article presents some problems with solutions which can be used at the primary and secondary schools and which allow for pupils' experimenting and making hypotheses.

Trojúhelníčková konstrukce elipsy

Milada Kočandrlová (2017)

Učitel matematiky

In the first part, we assume well known characteristics of ellipse which are given by triangle construction using main circles. We extend them on some lesser known features like Apollonius's theorem of associated radii of the ellipse. In the second part, we assume triangle construction of ellipse given by associated radii.

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