Displaying 221 – 240 of 659

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Colouring game and generalized colouring game on graphs with cut-vertices

Elżbieta Sidorowicz (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For k ≥ 2 we define a class of graphs 𝓗 ₖ = {G: every block of G has at most k vertices}. The class 𝓗 ₖ contains among other graphs forests, Husimi trees, line graphs of forests, cactus graphs. We consider the colouring game and the generalized colouring game on graphs from 𝓗 ₖ.

Colouring graphs with prescribed induced cycle lengths

Bert Randerath, Ingo Schiermeyer (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we study the chromatic number of graphs with two prescribed induced cycle lengths. It is due to Sumner that triangle-free and P₅-free or triangle-free, P₆-free and C₆-free graphs are 3-colourable. A canonical extension of these graph classes is I ( 4 , 5 ) , the class of all graphs whose induced cycle lengths are 4 or 5. Our main result states that all graphs of I ( 4 , 5 ) are 3-colourable. Moreover, we present polynomial time algorithms to 3-colour all triangle-free graphs G of this kind, i.e., we have...

Colouring of cycles in the de Bruijn graphs

Ewa Łazuka, Jerzy Żurawiecki (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We show that the problem of finding the family of all so called the locally reducible factors in the binary de Bruijn graph of order k is equivalent to the problem of finding all colourings of edges in the binary de Bruijn graph of order k-1, where each vertex belongs to exactly two cycles of different colours. In this paper we define and study such colouring for the greater class of the de Bruijn graphs in order to define a class of so called regular factors, which is not so difficult to construct....

Colouring polytopic partitions in d

Michal Křížek (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider face-to-face partitions of bounded polytopes into convex polytopes in d for arbitrary d 1 and examine their colourability. In particular, we prove that the chromatic number of any simplicial partition does not exceed d + 1 . Partitions of polyhedra in 3 into pentahedra and hexahedra are 5 - and 6 -colourable, respectively. We show that the above numbers are attainable, i.e., in general, they cannot be reduced.

Colouring vertices of plane graphs under restrictions given by faces

Július Czap, Stanislav Jendrol' (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We consider a vertex colouring of a connected plane graph G. A colour c is used k times by a face α of G if it appears k times along the facial walk of α. We prove that every connected plane graph with minimum face degree at least 3 has a vertex colouring with four colours such that every face uses some colour an odd number of times. We conjecture that such a colouring can be done using three colours. We prove that this conjecture is true for 2-connected cubic plane graphs. Next we consider other...

Combinaisons complètes

G.-H. Niewenglowski (1874)

Nouvelles annales de mathématiques : journal des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale

Combinatoire du billard dans un polyèdre

Nicolas Bedaride (2006/2007)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Ces notes ont pour but de rassembler les différents résultats de combinatoire des mots relatifs au billard polygonal et polyédral. On commence par rappeler quelques notions de combinatoire, puis on définit le billard, les notions utiles en dynamique et le codage de l’application. On énonce alors les résultats connus en dimension deux puis trois.

Combinatoria e Topologia. Alcune considerazioni generali

Andrea Brini (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si descrive un metodo generale mediante il quale associare in modo naturale spazi topologici ad insiemi parzialmente ordinati e funzioni continue afunzioni monotone tra di essi; questa associazione è chiaramente la chiave di volta per fondare l’utilizzo di metodi topologici nella teoria combinatoria degli insiemi parzialmente ordinati. Si discutono quindi alcuni criteri di contraibilità e si presenta una breve introduzione alla teoria dei «poset Cohen-Macaulay». Il lavoro si conclude con una sezione...

Combinatorial aspects of code loops

Petr Vojtěchovský (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The existence and uniqueness (up to equivalence defined below) of code loops was first established by R. Griess in [3]. Nevertheless, the explicit construction of code loops remained open until T. Hsu introduced the notion of symplectic cubic spaces and their Frattini extensions, and pointed out how the construction of code loops followed from the (purely combinatorial) result of O. Chein and E. Goodaire contained in [2]. Within this paper, we focus on their combinatorial construction and prove...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 659