Displaying 261 – 280 of 307

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Restrained domination in unicyclic graphs

Johannes H. Hattingh, Ernst J. Joubert, Marc Loizeaux, Andrew R. Plummer, Lucas van der Merwe (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G = (V,E) be a graph. A set S ⊆ V is a restrained dominating set if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to a vertex in S and to a vertex in V-S. The restrained domination number of G, denoted by γ r ( G ) , is the minimum cardinality of a restrained dominating set of G. A unicyclic graph is a connected graph that contains precisely one cycle. We show that if U is a unicyclic graph of order n, then γ r ( U ) n / 3 , and provide a characterization of graphs achieving this bound.

Restricted and quasi-toral restricted Lie-Rinehart algebras

Bing Sun, Liangyun Chen (2015)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we introduce the definition of restrictable Lie-Rinehart algebras, the concept of restrictability is by far more tractable than that of a restricted Lie-Rinehart algebra. Moreover, we obtain some properties of p-mappings and restrictable Lie-Rinehart algebras. Finally, we give some sufficient conditions for the commutativity of quasi-toral restricted Lie-Rinehart algebras and study how a quasi-toral restricted Lie-Rinehart algebra with zero center and of minimal dimension should be....

Restricted partitions and q-Pell numbers

Toufik Mansour, Mark Shattuck (2011)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we provide new combinatorial interpretations for the Pell numbers p n in terms of finite set partitions. In particular, we identify six classes of partitions of size n, each avoiding a set of three classical patterns of length four, all of which have cardinality given by p n. By restricting the statistic recording the number of inversions to one of these classes, and taking it jointly with the statistic recording the number of blocks, we obtain a new polynomial generalization of p...

Results on F -continuous graphs

Anna Draganova (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For any nontrivial connected graph F and any graph G , the F -degree of a vertex v in G is the number of copies of F in G containing v . G is called F -continuous if and only if the F -degrees of any two adjacent vertices in G differ by at most 1; G is F -regular if the F -degrees of all vertices in G are the same. This paper classifies all P 4 -continuous graphs with girth greater than 3. We show that for any nontrivial connected graph F other than the star K 1 , k , k 1 , there exists a regular graph that is not...

Reverse mathematics of some topics from algorithmic graph theory

Peter Clote, Jeffry Hirst (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper analyzes the proof-theoretic strength of an infinite version of several theorems from algorithmic graph theory. In particular, theorems on reachability matrices, shortest path matrices, topological sorting, and minimal spanning trees are considered.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 307