Displaying 481 – 500 of 659

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Containers and wide diameters of P 3 ( G )

Daniela Ferrero, Manju K. Menon, A. Vijayakumar (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

The P 3 intersection graph of a graph G has for vertices all the induced paths of order 3 in G . Two vertices in P 3 ( G ) are adjacent if the corresponding paths in G are not disjoint. A w -container between two different vertices u and v in a graph G is a set of w internally vertex disjoint paths between u and v . The length of a container is the length of the longest path in it. The w -wide diameter of G is the minimum number l such that there is a w -container of length at most l between any pair of different...

Contractible edges in some k -connected graphs

Yingqiu Yang, Liang Sun (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An edge e of a k -connected graph G is said to be k -contractible (or simply contractible) if the graph obtained from G by contracting e (i.e., deleting e and identifying its ends, finally, replacing each of the resulting pairs of double edges by a single edge) is still k -connected. In 2002, Kawarabayashi proved that for any odd integer k 5 , if G is a k -connected graph and G contains no subgraph D = K 1 + ( K 2 K 1 , 2 ) , then G has a k -contractible edge. In this paper, by generalizing this result, we prove that for any integer...

Contribution of František Matúš to the research on conditional independence

Milan Studený (2020)


An overview is given of results achieved by F. Matúš on probabilistic conditional independence (CI). First, his axiomatic characterizations of stochastic functional dependence and unconditional independence are recalled. Then his elegant proof of discrete probabilistic representability of a matroid based on its linear representability over a finite field is recalled. It is explained that this result was a basis of his methodology for constructing a probabilistic representation of a given abstract...

Control flow graphs and code coverage

Robert Gold (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The control flow of programs can be represented by directed graphs. In this paper we provide a uniform and detailed formal basis for control flow graphs combining known definitions and results with new aspects. Two graph reductions are defined using only syntactical information about the graphs, but no semantical information about the represented programs. We prove some properties of reduced graphs and also about the paths in reduced graphs. Based on graphs, we define statement coverage and branch...

Control treatments in designs with split units generated by Latin squares

Shinji Kuriki, Iwona Mejza, Kazuhiro Ozawa, Stanisław Mejza (2014)

Biometrical Letters

This paper deals with two-factor experiments with split units. The whole plot treatments occur in a repeated Latin square, modified Latin square or Youden square, while subplot treatments occur in a block design within the whole plots. The statistical properties of the considered designs are examined. Special attention is paid to the case where one of the treatments is an individual control or an individual standard treatment. In addition, we give a brief overview of work on the design of experiments...

Controllable graphs

D. Cvetković, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, M. G. Yoon (2011)

Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiques

Convex domination in the composition and Cartesian product of graphs

Mhelmar A. Labendia, Sergio R. Jr. Canoy (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we characterize the convex dominating sets in the composition and Cartesian product of two connected graphs. The concepts of clique dominating set and clique domination number of a graph are defined. It is shown that the convex domination number of a composition G [ H ] of two non-complete connected graphs G and H is equal to the clique domination number of G . The convex domination number of the Cartesian product of two connected graphs is related to the convex domination numbers of the...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 659