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A note on representation functions with different weights

Zhenhua Qu (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For any positive integer k and any set A of nonnegative integers, let r 1 , k ( A , n ) denote the number of solutions (a₁,a₂) of the equation n = a₁ + ka₂ with a₁,a₂ ∈ A. Let k,l ≥ 2 be two distinct integers. We prove that there exists a set A ⊆ ℕ such that both r 1 , k ( A , n ) = r 1 , k ( A , n ) and r 1 , l ( A , n ) = r 1 , l ( A , n ) hold for all n ≥ n₀ if and only if log k/log l = a/b for some odd positive integers a,b, disproving a conjecture of Yang. We also show that for any set A ⊆ ℕ satisfying r 1 , k ( A , n ) = r 1 , k ( A , n ) for all n ≥ n₀, we have r 1 , k ( A , n ) as n → ∞.

A note on representing dowling geometries by partitions

František Matúš, Aner Ben-Efraim (2020)


We prove that a rank 3 Dowling geometry of a group H is partition representable if and only if H is a Frobenius complement. This implies that Dowling group geometries are secret-sharing if and only if they are multilinearly representable.

A note on solvable vertex stabilizers of s -transitive graphs of prime valency

Song-Tao Guo, Hailong Hou, Yong Xu (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A graph X , with a group G of automorphisms of X , is said to be ( G , s ) -transitive, for some s 1 , if G is transitive on s -arcs but not on ( s + 1 ) -arcs. Let X be a connected ( G , s ) -transitive graph of prime valency p 5 , and G v the vertex stabilizer of a vertex v V ( X ) . Suppose that G v is solvable. Weiss (1974) proved that | G v | p ( p - 1 ) 2 . In this paper, we prove that G v ( p m ) × n for some positive integers m and n such that n div m and m p - 1 .

A note on strong and co-strong perfectness of the X-join of graphs

Alina Szelecka, Andrzej Włoch (1996)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Strongly perfect graphs were introduced by C. Berge and P. Duchet in [1]. In [4], [3] the following was studied: the problem of strong perfectness for the Cartesian product, the tensor product, the symmetrical difference of n, n ≥ 2, graphs and for the generalized Cartesian product of graphs. Co-strong perfectness was first studied by G. Ravindra andD. Basavayya [5]. In this paper we discuss strong perfectness and co-strong perfectness for the generalized composition (the lexicographic product)...

A note on strongly multiplicative graphs

Chandrashekar Adiga, H.N. Ramaswamy, D.D. Somashekara (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this note we give an upper bound for λ(n), the maximum number of edges in a strongly multiplicative graph of order n, which is sharper than the upper bound obtained by Beineke and Hegde [1].

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 8522