Displaying 741 – 760 of 8522

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A simple proof of Whitney's Theorem on connectivity in graphs

Kewen Zhao (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

In 1932 Whitney showed that a graph G with order n 3 is 2-connected if and only if any two vertices of G are connected by at least two internally-disjoint paths. The above result and its proof have been used in some Graph Theory books, such as in Bondy and Murty’s well-known Graph Theory with Applications. In this note we give a much simple proof of Whitney’s Theorem.

A Sokoban-type game and arc deletion within irregular digraphs of all sizes

Zyta Dziechcińska-Halamoda, Zofia Majcher, Jerzy Michael, Zdzisław Skupień (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Digraphs in which ordered pairs of out- and in-degrees of vertices are mutually distinct are called irregular, see Gargano et al. [3]. Our investigations focus on the problem: what are possible sizes of irregular digraphs (oriented graphs) for a given order n? We show that those sizes in both cases make up integer intervals. The extremal sizes (the endpoints of these intervals) are found in [1,5]. In this paper we construct, with help of Sokoban-type game, n-vertex irregular oriented graphs (irregular...

A sparse dynamic programming algorithm for alignment with non-overlapping inversions

Alair Pereira Do Lago, Ilya Muchnik, Casimir Kulikowski (2005)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Alignment of sequences is widely used for biological sequence comparisons, and only biological events like mutations, insertions and deletions are considered. Other biological events like inversions are not automatically detected by the usual alignment algorithms, thus some alternative approaches have been tried in order to include inversions or other kinds of rearrangements. Despite many important results in the last decade, the complexity of the problem of alignment with inversions is still unknown....

A sparse dynamic programming algorithm for alignment with non-overlapping inversions

Alair Pereira do Lago, Ilya Muchnik, Casimir Kulikowski (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Alignment of sequences is widely used for biological sequence comparisons, and only biological events like mutations, insertions and deletions are considered. Other biological events like inversions are not automatically detected by the usual alignment algorithms, thus some alternative approaches have been tried in order to include inversions or other kinds of rearrangements. Despite many important results in the last decade, the complexity of the problem of alignment with inversions is...

A spectral bound for graph irregularity

Felix Goldberg (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The imbalance of an edge e = { u , v } in a graph is defined as i ( e ) = | d ( u ) - d ( v ) | , where d ( · ) is the vertex degree. The irregularity I ( G ) of G is then defined as the sum of imbalances over all edges of G . This concept was introduced by Albertson who proved that I ( G ) 4 n 3 / 27 (where n = | V ( G ) | ) and obtained stronger bounds for bipartite and triangle-free graphs. Since then a number of additional bounds were given by various authors. In this paper we prove a new upper bound, which improves a bound found by Zhou and Luo in 2008. Our bound involves the...

A stationary random graph of no growth rate

Ádám Timár (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We present a random automorphism-invariant subgraph of a Cayley graph such that with probability 1 its exponential growth rate does not exist.

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 8522