Displaying 741 – 760 of 1336

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On subalgebra lattices of a finite unary algebra. I.

Konrad Pióro (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

One of the main aims of the present and the next part [15] is to show that the theory of graphs (its language and results) can be very useful in algebraic investigations. We characterize, in terms of isomorphisms of some digraphs, all pairs 𝐀 , 𝐋 , where 𝐀 is a finite unary algebra and L a finite lattice such that the subalgebra lattice of 𝐀 is isomorphic to 𝐋 . Moreover, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for two arbitrary finite unary algebras to have isomorphic subalgebra lattices. We solve...

On subalgebra lattices of a finite unary algebra. II.

Konrad Pióro (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

We use graph-algebraic results proved in [8] and some results of the graph theory to characterize all pairs 𝐋 1 , 𝐋 2 of lattices for which there is a finite partial unary algebra such that its weak and strong subalgebra lattices are isomorphic to 𝐋 1 and 𝐋 2 , respectively. Next, we describe other pairs of subalgebra lattices (weak and relative, etc.) of a finite unary algebra. Finally, necessary and sufficient conditions are found for quadruples 𝐋 1 , 𝐋 2 , 𝐋 3 , 𝐋 4 of lattices for which there is a finite unary algebra having...

On subgraphs without large components

Glenn G. Chappell, John Gimbel (2017)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider, for a positive integer k , induced subgraphs in which each component has order at most k . Such a subgraph is said to be k -divided. We show that finding large induced subgraphs with this property is NP-complete. We also consider a related graph-coloring problem: how many colors are required in a vertex coloring in which each color class induces a k -divided subgraph. We show that the problem of determining whether some given number of colors suffice is NP-complete, even for 2 -coloring...

On sums of binomial coefficients modulo p²

Zhi-Wei Sun (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let p be an odd prime and let a be a positive integer. In this paper we investigate the sum k = 0 p a - 1 ( h p a - 1 k ) ( 2 k k ) / m k ( m o d p ² ) , where h and m are p-adic integers with m ≢ 0 (mod p). For example, we show that if h ≢ 0 (mod p) and p a > 3 , then k = 0 p a - 1 ( h p a - 1 k ) ( 2 k k ) ( - h / 2 ) k ( ( 1 - 2 h ) / ( p a ) ) ( 1 + h ( ( 4 - 2 / h ) p - 1 - 1 ) ) ( m o d p ² ) , where (·/·) denotes the Jacobi symbol. Here is another remarkable congruence: If p a > 3 then k = 0 p a - 1 ( p a - 1 k ) ( 2 k k ) ( - 1 ) k 3 p - 1 ( p a / 3 ) ( m o d p ² ) .

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 1336