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Maximizing Spectral Radii of Uniform Hypergraphs with Few Edges

Yi-Zheng Fan, Ying-Ying Tan, Xi-Xi Peng, An-Hong Liu (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we investigate the hypergraphs whose spectral radii attain the maximum among all uniform hypergraphs with given number of edges. In particular we characterize the hypergraph(s) with maximum spectral radius over all unicyclic hypergraphs, linear or power unicyclic hypergraphs with given girth, linear or power bicyclic hypergraphs, respectively.

Maximum bipartite subgraphs in H -free graphs

Jing Lin (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Given a graph G , let f ( G ) denote the maximum number of edges in a bipartite subgraph of G . Given a fixed graph H and a positive integer m , let f ( m , H ) denote the minimum possible cardinality of f ( G ) , as G ranges over all graphs on m edges that contain no copy of H . In this paper we prove that f ( m , θ k , s ) 1 2 m + Ω ( m ( 2 k + 1 ) / ( 2 k + 2 ) ) , which extends the results of N. Alon, M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov. Write K k ' and K t , s ' for the subdivisions of K k and K t , s . We show that f ( m , K k ' ) 1 2 m + Ω ( m ( 5 k - 8 ) / ( 6 k - 10 ) ) and f ( m , K t , s ' ) 1 2 m + Ω ( m ( 5 t - 1 ) / ( 6 t - 2 ) ) , improving a result of Q. Zeng, J. Hou. We also give lower bounds on wheel-free graphs....

Maximum Cycle Packing in Eulerian Graphs Using Local Traces

Peter Recht, Eva-Maria Sprengel (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a graph G = (V,E) and a vertex v ∈ V , let T(v) be a local trace at v, i.e. T(v) is an Eulerian subgraph of G such that every walk W(v), with start vertex v can be extended to an Eulerian tour in T(v). We prove that every maximum edge-disjoint cycle packing Z* of G induces a maximum trace T(v) at v for every v ∈ V . Moreover, if G is Eulerian then sufficient conditions are given that guarantee that the sets of cycles inducing maximum local traces of G also induce a maximum cycle packing of G....

Maximum Edge-Colorings Of Graphs

Stanislav Jendrol’, Michaela Vrbjarová (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An r-maximum k-edge-coloring of G is a k-edge-coloring of G having a property that for every vertex v of degree dG(v) = d, d ≥ r, the maximum color, that is present at vertex v, occurs at v exactly r times. The r-maximum index [...] χr′(G) χ r ' ( G ) is defined to be the minimum number k of colors needed for an r-maximum k-edge-coloring of graph G. In this paper we show that [...] χr′(G)≤3 χ r ' ( G ) 3 for any nontrivial connected graph G and r = 1 or 2. The bound 3 is tight. All graphs G with [...] χ1′(G)=i χ 1 ' ( G ) = i , i...

Maximum Hypergraphs without Regular Subgraphs

Jaehoon Kim, Alexandr V. Kostochka (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We show that an n-vertex hypergraph with no r-regular subgraphs has at most 2n−1+r−2 edges. We conjecture that if n > r, then every n-vertex hypergraph with no r-regular subgraphs having the maximum number of edges contains a full star, that is, 2n−1 distinct edges containing a given vertex. We prove this conjecture for n ≥ 425. The condition that n > r cannot be weakened.

Maximum Independent Sets in Direct Products of Cycles or Trees with Arbitrary Graphs

Tjaša Paj, Simon Špacapan (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The direct product of graphs G = (V (G),E(G)) and H = (V (H),E(H)) is the graph, denoted as G×H, with vertex set V (G×H) = V (G)×V (H), where vertices (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are adjacent in G × H if x1x2 ∈ E(G) and y1y2 ∈ E(H). Let n be odd and m even. We prove that every maximum independent set in Pn×G, respectively Cm×G, is of the form (A×C)∪(B× D), where C and D are nonadjacent in G, and A∪B is the bipartition of Pn respectively Cm. We also give a characterization of maximum independent subsets...

Maximum Semi-Matching Problem in Bipartite Graphs

Ján Katrenič, Gabriel Semanišin (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An (f, g)-semi-matching in a bipartite graph G = (U ∪ V,E) is a set of edges M ⊆ E such that each vertex u ∈ U is incident with at most f(u) edges of M, and each vertex v ∈ V is incident with at most g(v) edges of M. In this paper we give an algorithm that for a graph with n vertices and m edges, n ≤ m, constructs a maximum (f, g)-semi-matching in running time O(m ⋅ min [...] ) Using the reduction of [5] our result on maximum (f, g)-semi-matching problem directly implies an algorithm for the optimal...

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