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On the number of dissimilar pfaffian orientations of graphs

Marcelo H. de Carvalho, Cláudio L. Lucchesi, U. S.R. Murty (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A subgraph H of a graph G is conformal if G - V(H) has a perfect matching. An orientation D of G is Pfaffian if, for every conformal even circuit C, the number of edges of C whose directions in D agree with any prescribed sense of orientation of C is odd. A graph is Pfaffian if it has a Pfaffian orientation. Not every graph is Pfaffian. However, if G has a Pfaffian orientation D, then the determinant of the adjacency matrix of D is the square of the number of perfect matchings of G. (See the book...

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