Displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1336

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On the order of certain close to regular graphs without a matching of given size

Sabine Klinkenberg, Lutz Volkmann (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A graph G is a { d , d + k } -graph, if one vertex has degree d + k and the remaining vertices of G have degree d . In the special case of k = 0 , the graph G is d -regular. Let k , p 0 and d , n 1 be integers such that n and p are of the same parity. If G is a connected { d , d + k } -graph of order n without a matching M of size 2 | M | = n - p , then we show in this paper the following: If d = 2 , then k 2 ( p + 2 ) and (i) n k + p + 6 . If d 3 is odd and t an integer with 1 t p + 2 , then (ii) n d + k + 1 for k d ( p + 2 ) , (iii) n d ( p + 3 ) + 2 t + 1 for d ( p + 2 - t ) + t k d ( p + 3 - t ) + t - 3 , (iv) n d ( p + 3 ) + 2 p + 7 for k p . If d 4 is even, then (v) n d + k + 2 - η for k d ( p + 3 ) + p + 4 + η , (vi) n d + k + p + 2 - 2 t = d ( p + 4 ) + p + 6 for k = d ( p + 3 ) + 4 + 2 t and p 1 , (vii) n d + k + p + 4 for...

On the packing of two copies of a caterpillar in its third power

Christian Germain, Hamamache Kheddouci (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

H. Kheddouci, J.F. Saclé and M. Woźniak conjectured in 2000 that if a tree T is not a star, then there is an edge-disjoint placement of T into its third power.In this paper, we prove the conjecture for caterpillars.

On the parallel complexity of the alternating Hamiltonian cycle problem

E. Bampis, Y. Manoussakis, I. Milis (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Given a graph with colored edges, a Hamiltonian cycle is called alternating if its successive edges differ in color. The problem of finding such a cycle, even for 2-edge-colored graphs, is trivially NP-complete, while it is known to be polynomial for 2-edge-colored complete graphs. In this paper we study the parallel complexity of finding such a cycle, if any, in 2-edge-colored complete graphs. We give a new characterization for such a graph admitting an alternating Hamiltonian cycle which allows...

On the p-domination number of cactus graphs

Mostafa Blidia, Mustapha Chellali, Lutz Volkmann (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let p be a positive integer and G = (V,E) a graph. A subset S of V is a p-dominating set if every vertex of V-S is dominated at least p times. The minimum cardinality of a p-dominating set a of G is the p-domination number γₚ(G). It is proved for a cactus graph G that γₚ(G) ⩽ (|V| + |Lₚ(G)| + c(G))/2, for every positive integer p ⩾ 2, where Lₚ(G) is the set of vertices of G of degree at most p-1 and c(G) is the number of odd cycles in G.

On the positivity of the number of t-core partitions

Ken Ono (1994)

Acta Arithmetica

A partition of a positive integer n is a nonincreasing sequence of positive integers with sum n . Here we define a special class of partitions. 1. Let t 1 be a positive integer. Any partition of n whose Ferrers graph have no hook numbers divisible by t is known as a t- core partitionof n . The hooks are important in the representation theory of finite symmetric groups and the theory of cranks associated with Ramanujan’s congruences for the ordinary partition function [3, 4, 6]. If t 1 and n 0 , then we define...

Currently displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1336