Free quasi-symmetric functions, product actions and quantum field theory of partitions.
This paper surveys frequency assignment problems coming up in planning wireless communication services. It particularly focuses on cellular mobile phone systems such as GSM, a technology that revolutionizes communication. Traditional vertex coloring provides a conceptual framework for the mathematical modeling of many frequency planning problems. This basic form, however, needs various extensions to cover technical and organizational side constraints. Among these ramifications are T-coloring and...
This is an extended version of a talk given by the author at the conference “Algebra and Topology in Interaction” on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of D.B. Fuchs at UC Davis in September 2009. It is a brief survey of an area originated around 1995 by I. Gelfand and the speaker.
A form-finding problem for tensegrity structures is studied; given an abstract graph, we show an algorithm to provide a necessary condition for it to be the underlying graph of a tensegrity in Rd (typically d=2,3) with vertices in general position. Furthermore, for a certain class of graphs our algorithm allows to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions on the relative position of the vertices in order to underlie a tensegrity, for what we propose both a geometric and a symbolic approach.
Starting from the famous Königsberg bridge problem which Euler described in 1736, we intend to show that some results obtained 180 years later by König are very close to Euler's discoveries.
To every graph (or digraph) A, there is an associated automorphism group Aut(A). Frucht’s theorem asserts the converse association; that for any finite group G there is a graph (or digraph) A for which Aut(A) ∼= G. A new operation on digraphs was introduced recently as an aid in solving certain questions regarding cancellation over the direct product of digraphs. Given a digraph A, its factorial A! is certain digraph whose vertex set is the permutations of V (A). The arc set E(A!) forms a group,...
Dado un grafo G = (X,E) con un solo vértice insaturado p, se estudia el problema de encontrar, para todo x ∈ X, un camino M-alternado par que una x con p. Se halla un algoritmo, y se plantea su aplicación cara a dar una variante del Algoritmo de Edmonds en la que no haya que contraer los pseudovértices.