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Full domination in graphs

Robert C. Brigham, Gary Chartrand, Ronald D. Dutton, Ping Zhang (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For each vertex v in a graph G, let there be associated a subgraph H v of G. The vertex v is said to dominate H v as well as dominate each vertex and edge of H v . A set S of vertices of G is called a full dominating set if every vertex of G is dominated by some vertex of S, as is every edge of G. The minimum cardinality of a full dominating set of G is its full domination number γ F H ( G ) . A full dominating set of G of cardinality γ F H ( G ) is called a γ F H -set of G. We study three types of full domination in graphs: full...

Fully degenerate poly-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials

Taekyun Kim, Dae San Kim, Jong-Jin Seo (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we introduce the new fully degenerate poly-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials and inverstigate some properties of these polynomials and numbers. From our properties, we derive some identities for the fully degenerate poly-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials.

Functigraphs: An extension of permutation graphs

Andrew Chen, Daniela Ferrero, Ralucca Gera, Eunjeong Yi (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let G 1 and G 2 be copies of a graph G , and let f : V ( G 1 ) V ( G 2 ) be a function. Then a functigraph C ( G , f ) = ( V , E ) is a generalization of a permutation graph, where V = V ( G 1 ) V ( G 2 ) and E = E ( G 1 ) E ( G 2 ) { u v : u V ( G 1 ) , v V ( G 2 ) , v = f ( u ) } . In this paper, we study colorability and planarity of functigraphs.

Functions on adjacent vertex degrees of trees with given degree sequence

Hua Wang (2014)

Open Mathematics

In this note we consider a discrete symmetric function f(x, y) where f ( x , a ) + f ( y , b ) f ( y , a ) + f ( x , b ) f o r a n y x y a n d a b , associated with the degrees of adjacent vertices in a tree. The extremal trees with respect to the corresponding graph invariant, defined as u v E ( T ) f ( d e g ( u ) , d e g ( v ) ) , are characterized by the “greedy tree” and “alternating greedy tree”. This is achieved through simple generalizations of previously used ideas on similar questions. As special cases, the already known extremal structures of the Randic index follow as corollaries. The extremal structures...

Fundamental groupoids of digraphs and graphs

Alexander Grigor'yan, Rolando Jimenez, Yuri Muranov (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce the notion of fundamental groupoid of a digraph and prove its basic properties. In particular, we obtain a product theorem and an analogue of the Van Kampen theorem. Considering the category of (undirected) graphs as the full subcategory of digraphs, we transfer the results to the category of graphs. As a corollary we obtain the corresponding results for the fundamental groups of digraphs and graphs. We give an application to graph coloring.

Further results on radial graphs

Kumarappan Kathiresan, G. Marimuthu (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In a graph G, the distance d(u,v) between a pair of vertices u and v is the length of a shortest path joining them. The eccentricity e(u) of a vertex u is the distance to a vertex farthest from u. The minimum eccentricity is called the radius of the graph and the maximum eccentricity is called the diameter of the graph. The radial graph R(G) based on G has the vertex set as in G, two vertices u and v are adjacent in R(G) if the distance between them in G is equal to the radius of G. If G is disconnected,...

Further results on sequentially additive graphs

Suresh Manjanath Hegde, Mirka Miller (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Given a graph G with p vertices, q edges and a positive integer k, a k-sequentially additive labeling of G is an assignment of distinct numbers k,k+1,k+2,...,k+p+q-1 to the p+q elements of G so that every edge uv of G receives the sum of the numbers assigned to the vertices u and v. A graph which admits such an assignment to its elements is called a k-sequentially additive graph. In this paper, we give an upper bound for k with respect to which the given graph may possibly be k-sequentially additive...

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