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Observables on σ -MV algebras and σ -lattice effect algebras

Anna Jenčová, Sylvia Pulmannová, Elena Vinceková (2011)


Effect algebras were introduced as abstract models of the set of quantum effects which represent sharp and unsharp properties of physical systems and play a basic role in the foundations of quantum mechanics. In the present paper, observables on lattice ordered σ -effect algebras and their “smearings” with respect to (weak) Markov kernels are studied. It is shown that the range of any observable is contained in a block, which is a σ -MV algebra, and every observable is defined by a smearing of a sharp...

OCA and towers in 𝒫 ( ) / f i n

Ilijas Farah (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall show that Open Coloring Axiom has different influence on the algebra 𝒫 ( ) / f i n than on / f i n . The tool used to accomplish this is forcing with a Suslin tree.

Ojective ideals in modular lattices

Shriram K. Nimbhorkar, Rupal C. Shroff (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The concept of an extending ideal in a modular lattice is introduced. A translation of module-theoretical concept of ojectivity (i.e. generalized relative injectivity) in the context of the lattice of ideals of a modular lattice is introduced. In a modular lattice satisfying a certain condition, a characterization is given for direct summands of an extending ideal to be mutually ojective. We define exchangeable decomposition and internal exchange property of an ideal in a modular lattice. It is...

On 0 - 1 measure for projectors

Václav Alda (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

An example of a finite set of projectors in E 3 is exhibited for which no 0-1 measure exists.

On a certain construction of lattice expansions

Hector Gramaglia (2004)

Mathematica Bohemica

We obtain a simple construction for particular subclasses of several varieties of lattice expansions. The construction allows a unified approach to the characterization of the subdirectly irreducible algebras

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