Condition pour que la puissance du treillis complet soit algébrique
In this paper we construct conditional states on semi-simple MV-algebras. We show that these conditional states are not given uniquely. By using them we construct the joint probability distributions and discuss the properties of these distributions. We show that the independence is not symmetric.
We investigate when a partially ordered semigroup (with various types of local units) is strongly Morita equivalent to a posemigroup from a given class of partially ordered semigroups. Necessary and sufficient conditions for such equivalence are obtained for a series of well-known classes of posemigroups. A number of sufficient conditions for several classes of naturally ordered posemigroups are also provided.
We characterize those regular continuous frames for which the least compactification is a perfect compactification. Perfect compactifications are those compactifications of frames for which the right adjoint of the compactification map preserves disjoint binary joins. Essential to our characterization is the construction of the frame analog of the two-point compactification of a locally compact Hausdorff space, and the concept of remainder in a frame compactification. Indeed, one of the characterizations...
Brouwerian semilattices are meet-semilattices with 1 in which every element a has a relative pseudocomplement with respect to every element b, i. e. a greatest element c with a∧c ≤ b. Properties of classes of reflexive and compatible binary relations, especially of congruences of such algebras are described and an abstract characterization of congruence classes via ideals is obtained.
A meet semilattice with a partial join operation satisfying certain axioms is a JP-semilattice. A PJP-semilattice is a pseudocomplemented JP-semilattice. In this paper we describe the smallest PJP-congruence containing a kernel ideal as a class. Also we describe the largest PJP-congruence containing a filter as a class. Then we give several characterizations of congruence kernels and cokernels for distributive PJP-semilattices.
We say that a variety of algebras has the Compact Intersection Property (CIP), if the family of compact congruences of every is closed under intersection. We investigate the congruence lattices of algebras in locally finite, congruence-distributive CIP varieties and obtain a complete characterization for several types of such varieties. It turns out that our description only depends on subdirectly irreducible algebras in and embeddings between them. We believe that the strategy used here can...
Characterization of congruence lattices of finite chains with either one or two endomorphisms is given.
An M-Set is a unary algebra whose set of operations is a monoid of transformations of ; is a G-Set if is a group. A lattice is said to be represented by an M-Set if the congruence lattice of is isomorphic to . Given an algebraic lattice , an invariant is introduced here. provides substantial information about properties common to all representations of by intransitive G-Sets. is a sublattice of (possibly isomorphic to the trivial lattice), a -product lattice. A -product...