Homotopy and homology of finite lattices.
The aim of the present paper is to study Hopfian and Co-Hopfian objects in categories like the category of rings, the module categories A-mod and mod-A for any ring A. Using Stone's representation theorem any Boolean ring can be regarded as the ring A of clopen subsets of compact Hausdorff totally disconnected space X. It turns out that the Boolean ring A will be Hopfian (resp. co-Hopfian) if and only if the space X is co-Hopfian (resp. Hopfian) in the category Top. For any compact Hausdorff space...
The variety of basic algebras is closed under formation of horizontal sums. We characterize when a given basic algebra is a horizontal sum of chains, MV-algebras or Boolean algebras.
It is shown how Lawvere's one-to-one translation between Birkhoff's description of varieties and the categorical one (see [6]) turns Hu's theorem on varieties generated by a primal algebra (see [4], [5]) into a simple reformulation of the classical representation theorem of finite Boolean algebras as powerset algebras.
We introduce the concept of a hyper BCI-algebra which is a generalization of a BCI-algebra, and investigate some related properties. Moreover we introduce a hyper BCI-ideal, weak hyper BCI-ideal, strong hyper BCI-ideal and reflexive hyper BCI-ideal in hyper BCI-algebras, and give some relations among these hyper BCI-ideals. Finally we discuss the relations between hyper BCI-algebras and hyper groups, and between hyper BCI-algebras and hyper -groups.
It is shown that in the variety of orthomodular lattices every hypersubstitution respecting all absorption laws either leaves the lattice operations unchanged or interchanges join and meet. Further, in a variety of lattices with an involutory antiautomorphism a semigroup generated by three involutory hypersubstitutions is described.