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A measure-theoretic characterization of Boolean algebras among orthomodular lattices

Pavel Pták, Sylvia Pulmannová (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We investigate subadditive measures on orthomodular lattices. We show as the main result that an orthomodular lattice has to be distributive (=Boolean) if it possesses a unital set of subadditive probability measures. This result may find an application in the foundation of quantum theories, mathematical logic, or elsewhere.

A metric on a system of ordered sets

Alfonz Haviar, Pavel Klenovčan (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

In [3] a metric on a system of isomorphism classes of ordered sets was defined. In this paper we define another metric on the same system and investigate some of its properties. Our approach is motivated by a problem from practice.

A metrizable completely regular ordered space

Hans-Peter A. Künzi, Stephen W. Watson (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We construct a completely regular ordered space ( X , 𝒯 , ) such that X is an I -space, the topology 𝒯 of X is metrizable and the bitopological space ( X , 𝒯 , 𝒯 ) is pairwise regular, but not pairwise completely regular. (Here 𝒯 denotes the upper topology and 𝒯 the lower topology of X .)

A new approach to construct uninorms via uninorms on bounded lattices

Zhen-Yu Xiu, Xu Zheng (2024)


In this paper, on a bounded lattice L , we give a new approach to construct uninorms via a given uninorm U * on the subinterval [ 0 , a ] (or [ b , 1 ] ) of L under additional constraint conditions on L and U * . This approach makes our methods generalize some known construction methods for uninorms in the literature. Meanwhile, some illustrative examples for the construction of uninorms on bounded lattices are provided.

A new approach to representation of observables on fuzzy quantum posets

Le Ba Long (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

We give a representation of an observable on a fuzzy quantum poset of type II by a pointwise defined real-valued function. This method is inspired by that of Kolesárová [6] and Mesiar [7], and our results extend representations given by the author and Dvurečenskij [4]. Moreover, we show that in this model, the converse representation fails, in general.

A new look at pointfree metrization theorems

Bernhard Banaschewski, Aleš Pultr (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We present a unified treatment of pointfree metrization theorems based on an analysis of special properties of bases. It essentially covers all the facts concerning metrization from Engelking [1] which make pointfree sense. With one exception, where the generalization is shown to be false, all the theorems extend to the general pointfree context.

A non commutative generalization of -autonomous lattices

P. Emanovský, Jiří Rachůnek (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Pseudo -autonomous lattices are non-commutative generalizations of -autonomous lattices. It is proved that the class of pseudo -autonomous lattices is a variety of algebras which is term equivalent to the class of dualizing residuated lattices. It is shown that the kernels of congruences of pseudo -autonomous lattices can be described as their normal ideals.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 396