Displaying 1221 – 1240 of 3896

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Generating methods for principal topologies on bounded lattices

Funda Karaçal, Ümit Ertuğrul, M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu (2021)


In this paper, some generating methods for principal topology are introduced by means of some logical operators such as uninorms and triangular norms and their properties are investigated. Defining a pre-order obtained from the closure operator, the properties of the pre-order are studied.

Generating real maps on a biordered set

Antonio Martinón (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Several authors have defined operational quantities derived from the norm of an operator between Banach spaces. This situation is generalized in this paper and we present a general framework in which we derivate several maps X from an initial one X , where X is a set endowed with two orders, and * , related by certain conditions. We obtain only three different derivated maps, if the initial map is bounded and monotone.

Generators in the category of S-posets

Valdis Laan (2008)

Open Mathematics

The paper contains characterizations of generators and cyclic projective generators in the category of ordered right acts over an ordered monoid.

Generators of existence varieties of regular rings and complemented Arguesian lattices

Christian Herrmann, Marina Semenova (2010)

Open Mathematics

We proved in an earlier work that any existence variety of regular algebras is generated by its simple unital Artinian members, while any existence variety of Arguesian sectionally complemented lattices is generated by its simple members of finite length. A characterization of the class of simple unital Artinian members [members of finite length, respectively] of such varieties is given in the present paper.

Géométrie des tissus. Mosaïques. Échiquiers. Mathématiques curieuses et utiles

Anne-Marie Décaillot (2002)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

Dans la deuxième moitié du xixe siècle, une ambition commune anime le groupe de mathématiciens dont les travaux sont présentés ici : contribuer à la diffusion de l’esprit scientifique auprès d’un large public. Le lieu d’expression de ce groupe est l’Association française pour l’avancement des sciences, créée en 1872, après la défaite de la France au cours du conflit franco-prussien. Rendre la science populaire, tel est le but poursuivi. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, les questions mathématiques...

Going down in (semi)lattices of finite Moore families and convex geometries

Bordalo Gabriela, Caspard Nathalie, Monjardet Bernard (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we first study what changes occur in the posets of irreducible elements when one goes from an arbitrary Moore family (respectively, a convex geometry) to one of its lower covers in the lattice of all Moore families (respectively, in the semilattice of all convex geometries) defined on a finite set. Then we study the set of all convex geometries which have the same poset of join-irreducible elements. We show that this set—ordered by set inclusion—is a ranked join-semilattice and we...

Goldie extending elements in modular lattices

Shriram K. Nimbhorkar, Rupal C. Shroff (2017)

Mathematica Bohemica

The concept of a Goldie extending module is generalized to a Goldie extending element in a lattice. An element a of a lattice L with 0 is said to be a Goldie extending element if and only if for every b a there exists a direct summand c of a such that b c is essential in both b and c . Some properties of such elements are obtained in the context of modular lattices. We give a necessary condition for the direct sum of Goldie extending elements to be Goldie extending. Some characterizations of a decomposition...

Currently displaying 1221 – 1240 of 3896