-analogue of a binomial coefficient congruence.
We give several different -analogues of the following two congruences of Z.-W. Sun: where is an odd prime, is a positive integer, and is the Jacobi symbol. The proofs of them require the use of some curious -series identities, two of which are related to Franklin’s involution on partitions into distinct parts. We also confirm a conjecture of the latter author and Zeng in 2012.
We present a q-analogue for the fact that the nth Stern polynomial Bₙ(t) in the sense of Klavžar, Milutinović and Petr [Adv. Appl. Math. 39 (2007)] is the numerator of a continued fraction of n terms. Moreover, we give a combinatorial interpretation for our q-analogue.
We investigate the average number of solutions of certain quadratic congruences. As an application, we establish Manin's conjecture for a cubic surface whose singularity type is A₅ + A₁.
Given a finite -group acting on a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic , the dimension of the tangent space of the associated equivariant deformation functor is equal to the dimension of the space of coinvariants of acting on the space of global holomorphic quadratic differentials on . We apply known results about the Galois module structure of Riemann-Roch spaces to compute this dimension when is cyclic or when the action of on is weakly...