Displaying 2041 – 2060 of 3014

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On the functional properties of Bessel zeta-functions

Takumi Noda (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

Zeta-functions associated with modified Bessel functions are introduced as ordinary Dirichlet series whose coefficients are J-Bessel and K-Bessel functions. Integral representations, transformation formulas, a power series expansion involving the Riemann zeta-function and a recurrence formula are given. The inverse Laplace transform of Weber's first exponential integral is the basic tool to derive the integral representations. As an application, we give a new proof of the Fourier series expansion...

On the Fundamental Group of self-affine plane Tiles

Jun Luo, Jörg M. Thuswaldner (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let A 2 × 2 be an expanding matrix, 𝒟 2 a set with | det ( A ) | elements and define 𝒯 via the set equation A 𝒯 = 𝒯 + 𝒟 . If the two-dimensional Lebesgue measure of 𝒯 is positive we call 𝒯 a self-affine plane tile. In the present paper we are concerned with topological properties of 𝒯 . We show that the fundamental group π 1 ( 𝒯 ) of 𝒯 is either trivial or uncountable and provide criteria for the triviality as well as the uncountability of π 1 ( 𝒯 ) . Furthermore, we give a short proof of the fact that the closure of each component of int ( 𝒯 ) is a locally...

On the fundamental units of some cubic orders generated by units

Jun Ho Lee, Stéphane R. Louboutin (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let ϵ be a totally real cubic algebraic unit. Assume that the cubic number field ℚ(ϵ) is Galois. Let ϵ, ϵ' and ϵ'' be the three real conjugates of ϵ. We tackle the problem of whether {ϵ,ϵ'} is a system of fundamental units of the cubic order ℤ[ϵ,ϵ',ϵ'']. Given two units of a totally real cubic order, we explain how one can prove that they form a system of fundamental units of this order. Several explicit families of totally real cubic orders defined by parametrized families of cubic polynomials...

On the Galois group of generalized Laguerre polynomials

Farshid Hajir (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Using the theory of Newton Polygons, we formulate a simple criterion for the Galois group of a polynomial to be “large.” For a fixed α - < 0 , Filaseta and Lam have shown that the n th degree Generalized Laguerre Polynomial L n ( α ) ( x ) = j = 0 n n + α n - j ( - x ) j / j ! is irreducible for all large enough n . We use our criterion to show that, under these conditions, the Galois group of L n ( α ) ( x ) is either the alternating or symmetric group on n letters, generalizing results of Schur for α = 0 , 1 , ± 1 2 , - 1 - n .

On the Galois structure of the square root of the codifferent

D. Burns (1991)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let L be a finite abelian extension of , with 𝒪 L the ring of algebraic integers of L . We investigate the Galois structure of the unique fractional 𝒪 L -ideal which (if it exists) is unimodular with respect to the trace form of L / .

On the gaps between q -binomial coefficients

Florian Luca, Sylvester Manganye (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

In this note, we estimate the distance between two q -nomial coefficients n k q - n ' k ' q , where ( n , k ) ( n ' , k ' ) and q 2 is an integer.

Currently displaying 2041 – 2060 of 3014