Displaying 2061 – 2080 of 3014

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On the generalized Bernoulli numbers that belong to unequal characters.

Ilya Sh. Slavutskii (2000)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The study of class number invariants of absolute abelian fields, the investigation of congruences for special values of L-functions, Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms, Rubin's congruences involving the special values of L-functions of elliptic curves with complex multiplication, and many other problems require congruence properties of the generalized Bernoulli numbers (see [16]-[18], [12], [29], [3], etc.). The first steps in this direction can be found in the papers of...

On the generalized Davenport constant and the Noether number

Kálmán Cziszter, Mátyás Domokos (2013)

Open Mathematics

Known results on the generalized Davenport constant relating zero-sum sequences over a finite abelian group are extended for the generalized Noether number relating rings of polynomial invariants of an arbitrary finite group. An improved general upper degree bound for polynomial invariants of a non-cyclic finite group that cut out the zero vector is given.

On the generalized Fermat equation over totally real fields

Heline Deconinck (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

In a recent paper, Freitas and Siksek proved an asymptotic version of Fermat’s Last Theorem for many totally real fields. We prove an extension of their result to generalized Fermat equations of the form A x p + B y p + C z p = 0 , where A, B, C are odd integers belonging to a totally real field.

On the generalized principal ideal theorem of complex multiplication

Reinhard Schertz (2006)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In the p n -th cyclotomic field p n , p a prime number, n , the prime p is totally ramified and the only ideal above p is generated by ω n = ζ p n - 1 , with the primitive p n -th root of unity ζ p n = e 2 π i p n . Moreover these numbers represent a norm coherent set, i.e. N p n + 1 / p n ( ω n + 1 ) = ω n . It is the aim of this article to establish a similar result for the ray class field K 𝔭 n of conductor 𝔭 n over an imaginary quadratic number field K where 𝔭 n is the power of a prime ideal in K . Therefore the exponential function has to be replaced by a suitable elliptic function....

On the generation of the coefficient field of a newform by a single Hecke eigenvalue

Koopa Tak-Lun Koo, William Stein, Gabor Wiese (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let f be a non-CM newform of weight k 2 . Let L be a subfield of the coefficient field of  f . We completely settle the question of the density of the set of primes p such that the p -th coefficient of  f generates the field  L . This density is determined by the inner twists of  f . As a particular case, we obtain that in the absence of nontrivial inner twists, the density is  1 for L equal to the whole coefficient field. We also present some new data on reducibility of Hecke polynomials, which suggest questions...

Currently displaying 2061 – 2080 of 3014