Displaying 2221 – 2240 of 16555

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Bounds on the radius of the p-adic Mandelbrot set

Jacqueline Anderson (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let f ( z ) = z d + a d - 1 z d - 1 + . . . + a 1 z p [ z ] be a degree d polynomial. We say f is post-critically bounded, or PCB, if all of its critical points have bounded orbit under iteration of f. It is known that if p ≥ d and f is PCB, then all critical points of f have p-adic absolute value less than or equal to 1. We give a similar result for 1/2d ≤ p < d. We also explore a one-parameter family of cubic polynomials over ℚ₂ to illustrate that the p-adic Mandelbrot set can be quite complicated when p < d, in contrast with the simple and...

Büchi Sequences in Local Fields and Local Rings

Jerzy Browkin (2010)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove that there exist infinite Büchi i sequences in some local rings and local fields, with the exception of the ring p of p-adic integers. In p there are only finite but arbitrarily long Büchi sequences.

BV coboundaries over irrational rotations

Dalibor Volný (1997)

Studia Mathematica

For every irrational rotation we construct a coboundary which is continuous except at a single point where it has a jump, is nondecreasing, and has zero derivative almost everywhere.

Calcolo della funzione di partizione di Kostant

Stefano Capparelli (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Forniamo un calcolo esplicito della funzione di partizione di Kostant per algebre di Lie complesse di rango 2 . La tecnica principale consiste nella riduzione a casi più semplici ed all'uso di funzioni generatrici.

Currently displaying 2221 – 2240 of 16555