Simultaneous p-adic Zeros of Quadratic Forms.
We give a complete classification of all pairs of cyclotomic polynomials whose zeros interlace on the unit circle, making explicit a result essentially contained in work of Beukers and Heckman. We show that each such pair corresponds to a single polynomial from a certain special class of integer polynomials, the 2-reciprocal discbionic polynomials. We also show that each such pair also corresponds (in four different ways) to a single Pisot polynomial from a certain restricted class, the cyclogenic...
Soit un polynôme. On appelle série de Dirichlet associée à la fonction : . Dans cet article nous étudions l’existence et les propriétés du prolongement méromorphe d’une telle série sous l’hypothèse qu’il existe tel que : i) quand et et ii) où . Cette hypothèse est probablement optimale et en tout cas contient strictement toutes les classes de polynômes déjà traitées antérieurement. Sous cette hypothèse nos principaux résultats sont : l’existence du prolongement méromorphe au plan...
We show that three problems involving linear difference equations with rational function coefficients are essentially equivalent. The first problem is the generalization of the classical Skolem–Mahler–Lech theorem to rational function coefficients. The second problem is whether or not for a given linear difference equation there exists a Picard–Vessiot extension inside the ring of sequences. The third problem is a certain special case of the dynamical Mordell–Lang conjecture. This allows us to deduce...