Displaying 2381 – 2400 of 3014

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On the number of prime factors of summands of partitions

Cécile Dartyge, András Sárközy, Mihály Szalay (2006)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We present various results on the number of prime factors of the parts of a partition of an integer. We study the parity of this number, the extremal orders and we prove a Hardy-Ramanujan type theorem. These results show that for almost all partitions of an integer the sequence of the parts satisfies similar arithmetic properties as the sequence of natural numbers.

On the number of rational points of Jacobians over finite fields

Philippe Lebacque, Alexey Zykin (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We prove lower and upper bounds for the class numbers of algebraic curves defined over finite fields. These bounds turn out to be better than most of the previously known bounds obtained using combinatorics. The methods used in the proof are essentially those from the explicit asymptotic theory of global fields. We thus provide a concrete application of effective results from the asymptotic theory of global fields and their zeta functions.

On the number of representations of a positive integer by certain quadratic forms

Ernest X. W. Xia (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For natural numbers a,b and positive integer n, let R(a,b;n) denote the number of representations of n in the form i = 1 a ( x ² i + x i y i + y ² i ) + 2 j = 1 b ( u ² j + u j v j + v ² j ) . Lomadze discovered a formula for R(6,0;n). Explicit formulas for R(1,5;n), R(2,4;n), R(3,3;n), R(4,2;n) and R(5,1;n) are determined in this paper by using the (p;k)-parametrization of theta functions due to Alaca, Alaca and Williams.

Currently displaying 2381 – 2400 of 3014