Displaying 2481 – 2500 of 16555

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Codages de rotations et phénomènes d'autosimilarité

Boris Adamczewski (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous étudions une classe de suites symboliques, les codages de rotations, intervenant dans des problèmes de répartition des suites ( n α ) n et représentant une généralisation géométrique des suites sturmiennes. Nous montrons que ces suites peuvent être obtenues par itération de quatre substitutions définies sur un alphabet à trois lettres, puis en appliquant un morphisme de projection. L’ordre d’itération de ces applications est gouverné par un développement bi-dimensionnel de type “fraction continue”...

Coefficient bounds for level 2 cusp forms

Paul Jenkins, Kyle Pratt (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We give explicit upper bounds for the coefficients of arbitrary weight k, level 2 cusp forms, making Deligne’s well-known O ( n ( k - 1 ) / 2 + ϵ ) bound precise. We also derive asymptotic formulas and explicit upper bounds for the coefficients of certain level 2 modular functions.

Cohen-Kuznetsov liftings of quasimodular forms

Min Ho Lee (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

Jacobi-like forms for a discrete subgroup Γ of SL(2,ℝ) are formal power series which generalize Jacobi forms, and they correspond to certain sequences of modular forms for Γ. Given a modular form f, a Jacobi-like form can be constructed by using constant multiples of derivatives of f as coefficients, which is known as the Cohen-Kuznetsov lifting of f. We extend Cohen-Kuznetsov liftings to quasimodular forms by determining an explicit formula for a Jacobi-like form associated to a quasimodular form....

Cohen-Lenstra sums over local rings

Christian Wittmann (2004)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We study series of the form M | Aut R ( M ) | - 1 | M | - u , where R is a commutative local ring, u is a non-negative integer, and the summation extends over all finite R -modules M , up to isomorphism. This problem is motivated by Cohen-Lenstra heuristics on class groups of number fields, where sums of this kind occur. If R has additional properties, we will relate the above sum to a limit of zeta functions of the free modules R n , where these zeta functions count R -submodules of finite index in R n . In particular we will show that...

Coherent sheaves with parabolic structure and construction of Hecke eigensheaves for some ramified local systems

Jochen Heinloth (2004)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

The aim of these notes is to generalize Laumon’s construction [20] of automorphic sheaves corresponding to local systems on a smooth, projective curve C to the case of local systems with indecomposable unipotent ramification at a finite set of points. To this end we need an extension of the notion of parabolic structure on vector bundles to coherent sheaves. Once we have defined this, a lot of arguments from the article “ On the geometric Langlands conjecture” by Frenkel, Gaitsgory and Vilonen [11]...

Currently displaying 2481 – 2500 of 16555