Displaying 3481 – 3500 of 16555

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Differential overconvergence

Alexandru Buium, Arnab Saha (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We prove that some of the basic differential functions appearing in the (unramified) theory of arithmetic differential equations, especially some of the basic differential modular forms in that theory, arise from a "ramified situation". This property can be viewed as a special kind of overconvergence property. One can also go in the opposite direction by using differential functions that arise in a ramified situation to construct "new" (unramified) differential functions.

Digit sets of integral self-affine tiles with prime determinant

Jian-Lin Li (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let M ∈ Mₙ(ℤ) be expanding such that |det(M)| = p is a prime and pℤⁿ ⊈ M²(ℤⁿ). Let D ⊂ ℤⁿ be a finite set with |D| = |det(M)|. Suppose the attractor T(M,D) of the iterated function system ϕ d ( x ) = M - 1 ( x + d ) d D has positive Lebesgue measure. We prove that (i) if D ⊈ M(ℤⁿ), then D is a complete set of coset representatives of ℤⁿ/M(ℤⁿ); (ii) if D ⊆ M(ℤⁿ), then there exists a positive integer γ such that D = M γ D , where D₀ is a complete set of coset representatives of ℤⁿ/M(ℤⁿ). This improves the corresponding results of Kenyon,...

Digital expansion of exponential sequences

Michael Fuchs (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We consider the q -ary digital expansion of the first N terms of an exponential sequence a n . Using a result due to Kiss and Tichy [8], we prove that the average number of occurrences of an arbitrary digital block in the last c log N digits is asymptotically equal to the expected value. Under stronger assumptions we get a similar result for the first ( log N ) 3 2 - ϵ digits, where ϵ is a positive constant. In both methods, we use estimations of exponential sums and the concept of discrepancy of real sequences modulo 1 ...

Digits and continuants in euclidean algorithms. Ergodic versus tauberian theorems

Brigitte Vallée (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We obtain new results regarding the precise average-case analysis of the main quantities that intervene in algorithms of a broad Euclidean type. We develop a general framework for the analysis of such algorithms, where the average-case complexity of an algorithm is related to the analytic behaviour in the complex plane of the set of elementary transformations determined by the algorithms. The methods rely on properties of transfer operators suitably adapted from dynamical systems theory and provide...

Dihedral and cyclic extensions with large class numbers

Peter J. Cho, Henry H. Kim (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

This paper is a continuation of [2]. We construct unconditionally several families of number fields with large class numbers. They are number fields whose Galois closures have as the Galois groups, dihedral groups D n , n = 3 , 4 , 5 , and cyclic groups C n , n = 4 , 5 , 6 . We first construct families of number fields with small regulators, and by using the strong Artin conjecture and applying some modification of zero density result of Kowalski-Michel, we choose subfamilies such that the corresponding L -functions are zero free...

Dimension algébrique de sous-groupes analytiques de variétés de groupe

Michel Waldschmidt (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient G une variété de groupe définie sur le corps Q des nombres algébriques, et φ : C n G C un sous-groupe à n paramètres de G , de dimension algébrique d . Nous nous proposons de majorer le rang (sur Z ) des sous-groupes Γ de C n dont l’image par φ est contenue dans le groupe G Q des points algébriques de G .E. Bombieri et S. Lang ont déjà obtenu de telles majorations, en supposant que les points de Γ sont très bien distribués : pour d n + 1 , on a n 2 + 3 n pour des variétés linéaires, et 2 n 2 + 4 n pour des variétés abéliennes .Nous...

Currently displaying 3481 – 3500 of 16555