Displaying 441 – 460 of 1528

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Some interpretations of the ( k , p ) -Fibonacci numbers

Natalia Paja, Iwona Włoch (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider two parameters generalization of the Fibonacci numbers and Pell numbers, named as the ( k , p ) -Fibonacci numbers. We give some new interpretations of these numbers. Moreover using these interpretations we prove some identities for the ( k , p ) -Fibonacci numbers.

Some new directions in p -adic Hodge theory

Kiran S. Kedlaya (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We recall some basic constructions from p -adic Hodge theory, then describe some recent results in the subject. We chiefly discuss the notion of B -pairs, introduced recently by Berger, which provides a natural enlargement of the category of p -adic Galois representations. (This enlargement, in a different form, figures in recent work of Colmez, Bellaïche, and Chenevier on trianguline representations.) We also discuss results of Liu that indicate that the formalism of Galois cohomology, including Tate...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 1528