Displaying 541 – 560 of 3014

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On classical weight one forms in Hida families

Mladen Dimitrov, Eknath Ghate (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We give precise estimates for the number of classical weight one specializations of a non-CM family of ordinary cuspidal eigenforms. We also provide examples to show how uniqueness fails with respect to membership of weight one forms in families.

On classifying Laguerre polynomials which have Galois group the alternating group

Pradipto Banerjee, Michael Filaseta, Carrie E. Finch, J. Russell Leidy (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We show that the discriminant of the generalized Laguerre polynomial L n ( α ) ( x ) is a non-zero square for some integer pair ( n , α ) , with n 1 , if and only if ( n , α ) belongs to one of 30 explicitly given infinite sets of pairs or to an additional finite set of pairs. As a consequence, we obtain new information on when the Galois group of L n ( α ) ( x ) over is the alternating group A n . For example, we establish that for all but finitely many positive integers n 2 ( mod 4 ) , the only α for which the Galois group of L n ( α ) ( x ) over is A n is α = n .

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 3014