Displaying 581 – 600 of 3014

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On congruent primes and class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields

Nils Bruin, Brett Hemenway (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We consider the problem of determining whether a given prime p is a congruent number. We present an easily computed criterion that allows us to conclude that certain primes for which congruency was previously undecided, are in fact not congruent. As a result, we get additional information on the possible sizes of Tate-Shafarevich groups of the associated elliptic curves. We also present a related criterion for primes p such that 16 divides the class number of the imaginary quadratic field ℚ(√-p)....

On consecutive integers divisible by the number of their divisors

Titu Andreescu, Florian Luca, M. Tip Phaovibul (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

We prove that there are no strings of three consecutive integers each divisible by the number of its divisors, and we give an estimate for the number of positive integers n ≤ x such that each of n and n + 1 is a multiple of the number of its divisors.

On constant-weight TSP-tours

Scott Jones, P. Mark Kayll, Bojan Mohar, Walter D. Wallis (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Is it possible to label the edges of Kₙ with distinct integer weights so that every Hamilton cycle has the same total weight? We give a local condition characterizing the labellings that witness this question's perhaps surprising affirmative answer. More generally, we address the question that arises when "Hamilton cycle" is replaced by "k-factor" for nonnegative integers k. Such edge-labellings are in correspondence with certain vertex-labellings, and the link allows us to determine (up to a constant...

On continuous self-maps and homeomorphisms of the Golomb space

Taras O. Banakh, Jerzy Mioduszewski, Sławomir Turek (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Golomb space τ is the set of positive integers endowed with the topology τ generated by the base consisting of arithmetic progressions { a + b n : n 0 } with coprime a , b . We prove that the Golomb space τ has continuum many continuous self-maps, contains a countable disjoint family of infinite closed connected subsets, the set Π of prime numbers is a dense metrizable subspace of τ , and each homeomorphism h of τ has the following properties: h ( 1 ) = 1 , h ( Π ) = Π , Π h ( x ) = h ( Π x ) , and h ( x ) = h ( x ) for all x . Here x : = { x n : n } and Π x denotes the set of prime divisors...

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 3014